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in the morning, josh woke up before tyler and got bored waiting for him to wake up. he slipped on some comfy clothes and made his way into the kitchen, finding tyler's mom cooking.

"good morning, kelly," he smiled, the aroma of bacon clouding the room.

"morning, joshua. how'd you sleep?"

thankfully, josh was able to hold himself back from smirking. "really good."

"that's great. is tyler still sleeping?"


"hm, that's different. usually he's up early and helps me make breakfast."

jeez, josh must've done a good job then.

"i could help you if you want," josh suggested.

"oh, no, it's fine."

"no, really. i don't have anything better to do."

"well, in that case, could you make some toast?"


after breakfast, josh wanted to take tyler and his siblings out to do something fun. they piled into josh's car, tyler shotgun and maddy sitting in between zack and jay.

"where do you guys want to go?" josh asked.

"the movies," tyler spoke first.

"yeah, i want to see that new movie with kevin hart and the rock!" jay agreed.


"yeah, that one."

"i want to go to the mall!" maddy pouted.

"i wanna go to the arcade," zack pouted, copying his sister's actions by crossing his arms.

"movies," jay argued.



"how about you surprise us, josh?" tyler spoke up, knowing they would never agree on something to do.

"yeah!" maddy smiled.

"i like surprises!" zack claimed in excitement.

"okay, i know the perfect place."


"a roller skating rink?!" tyler groaned, reading the sign as josh pulled into the parking lot. "I can't roller skate!"

"i can," maddy claimed proudly.

"i'll teach you," josh assured. "it'll be really fun."


they exited the car together. jay let zack hold his hand as they walked in, while tyler held josh's and maddy was on her phone. josh paid for the five of them, thirty dollars in total but he didn't mind. the man stamped their hands before they entered.

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