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(I know this is horrible photoshop BC THEIR HANDS WHAT but just imagine this :'))

tyler awoke in josh's arms, yellow light shining through sheer curtains. he examined the sleeping man, smiling as he recalled yesterday's events. his small hand came up to rest on josh's face, watching as his eyes fluttered open.

"morning, ty."

tyler's heart fluttered. josh's morning voice sounded incredible.


"did you sleep good?"

the brunette nodded, yawning and rubbing his fists against his eyes to rub the sleepiness away.

"want me to make breakfast?"

"yeah, can you make french toast?"


"and sprinkle powdered sugar on them?"

"yeah, sure," josh grinned, admiring how cute tyler was.

"and can you put maple syrup on them too?"

"how about i just make them and you can add whatever you want to them?"

"okay," tyler smiled. "good idea. can i wear your clothes?"

"sure. i'll go start breakfast, come on out when you're ready."

he watched josh get out of bed wearing only boxers, an inevitable pink hue making its way to his cheeks. it hadn't even been a week yet and he felt head over heels for this man. josh slipped on sweatpants and a t-shirt and left tyler alone.

the brunette enjoyed the warm comforter for a while longer before he got himself up. he looked through josh's closet, settling for a lavender dress shirt. the hem rested over his thighs while the sleeves went past his fingertips. tyler put on a pair of josh's boxers although they barely stayed up past his hips.

he met josh in the kitchen, the aroma of french toast filling the room. they made small talk while josh finished cooking.

josh played music from his phone while they ate. tyler's french toast was covered in powdered sugar and syrup while josh's barely even had a drop of syrup on them.

"too much sugar makes me feel sick," he explained.

"ugh, you're too healthy. i bet you work out, too."

"a few times a week," josh nodded.

"i'm tired just from the thought of working out."

"is that why you're almost failing gym?"

"how do you know that!?"

the taller only shrugged. "i'm a substitute. i know things."

tyler couldn't help but smile. josh obviously was more interested in the boy than he had previously let on.

"right. school's going to be so hard."

"why's that?"

"mr. weekes will probably still be going after me. and i won't be able to kiss you when i want."

"i'll talk to him. and as for kissing, we'll figure something out."

"can i tell brendon and ryan we had sex?"

josh nearly choked on his food, sputtering and coughing thanks to tyler's question.

"u-uh... i don't see why not? you trust them, right?"

"duh, with my life. they're my best friends."

"okay, i'm fine with that. what're you going to say if people ask you about the hickeys on your neck?"

"um... that it's none of their business."

"okay. if anyone bothers you, you can come tell me and i'll take care of it."

"i can handle things myself," tyler rolled his eyes.

"you don't have to. you have me."

"okay, fine."

"what do you wanna do today?"

"whatever you want."

"well, what do you want?"

"whatever you want."


^^ me and my friends trying to think of something to do

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