the healed wound

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This chapter takes place two months after the festive celebrations of lothal, and Ezra has been getting on very well after his setback. Sabine had been helping him with his recovery and his troubles with lothal and his encounter with maul. This chapter is all about how Ezra treats certain situations, and his thoughts on his setback and also Ezra's respect towards Sabine.

Out of all nights on Lothal Sabine was normally the first person to fall asleep on the ghost, but Tonight was a bit different. A storm was over attolon, and the huge amount of energy from the storm was stopping the crew from sleeping. The air pressure was different, due to the weather pattern, and it was taking its toll. Sabine found it difficult to sleep, but didn't feel drousy in any way, so she decided to take a walk around the ghost to tire herself out.

She did a few laps around and still felt the same, and whilst she was walking past all the bedrooms she noticed something. Ezra's bedroom door was open slightly, and it had similar problems during the day for the past week. She heard Ezra sounding a bit stressed, so she thought that he was worried about either his health or about maul. Since they both had feelings towards eachother, she decided to ask what was wrong....but as she looked through the gap in his door she stood in complete shock, because right in front of her Ezra had had taken off his orange jacket and his T-shirt underneath it, so his top half was exposed.

He was checking how his scar in his abdomen was looking. Seeing it again brought him horrible memories, and after all scars tell stories, and it was barely visible from both his and Sabine's perspective. Even though he gets worked up about his encounter, his space family are always there to support him. Ezra didn't notice Sabine at his door, but after about 10 seconds he turned around and Sabine quietly dashed back into her bedroom. This was the first time she'd seen Ezra like this since just after his revival, and she was glad the scar was healing very well but she was barky looking at that 😂

Ezra put his shirt back on and headed to the cockpit to tell Hera that he wanted to go for a quick walk around the base. "Hey Hera, is it ok if I go for a quick walk around the base? I could use a bit of exercises" Ezra asked. "Sure go ahead, take as long as you want we've got no meetings planned" Hera replied as she was doing a few maintenance checks on the cockpits electronics. As Ezra left the ghost Sabine was in her bedroom just trying to process what she had just seen, but before long she was summoned.

Hera: sabine!

Sabine: yeah?

Hera: can you come and give me a hand with this maintenance please?

Sabine: ok, will do.

Hera: can you check that the on board scanner is working? It was a bit faulty yesterday?

Sabine: o...ok.

At this point Hera noticed Sabine's mood was a bit different, and the gestures on her face looked familiar to something she's experienced. As they were proceeding with the maintenance Hera then noticed that Sabine wasn't focusing as much as normal, she seemed distracted and her face had turned a very light shade of red, but it was noticeable to Hera. It took Sabine longer than normal to fix the faulty scanner, and Hera was convinced that something was going on.

Sabine: I'm done, I've tested it and it's working fine. Anything else you want me to do?

Hera: thanks, and no I can handle the rest. Oh and sabine, can I have a word with you?

Sabine: err ok. *Sits on her chair*

Hera: I don't know what, but I know something was up with you. You looked distracted, and it took you a lot longer to fix that than I thought you would. So if something is troubling you, then can you tell me.

At this point Sabine begins to get worried about Hera yelling at her for what happened earlier.

Sabine:...*sweats a bit*

Hera: sabine? Did something happen earlier on that I should know about?

Sabine: *turned bright red*

Hera: something did happen didn't it. Something between you and Ezra for certain.

Sabine: ok ok! I was walking past the bedrooms because I couldn't sleep and..

Hera: you saw Ezra shirtless?

Sabine: did you know?

Hera: the look on your face said it all, plus don't forget I've got Kanan. I've done the exact same thing before sabine, I've stumbled across him like that and the next time he talked to me after it I acted exactly the same as you. So trust me sabine, i know from experience.

Sabine: wow, I never would of guessed. Wait, you're not mad at me are you?

Hera: why would I be mad? I can tell that it wasn't on purpose, so of course I won't be mad. But if I was you, I'd let Ezra know. When he's by himself, just say that you saw him as you were walking past, he won't have a go at you....and if he does then he'll have an angry space mom to deal with.

Sabine: ok thanks Hera.

Hera: anytime sabine.

As Sabine waited for Ezra to return from his walk, she was thinking how to approach him carefully without him freaking out and before long she had thought of the right approach, all she had to do now was wait for Ezra. Eventually he returned, and she stood outside her room waiting for him.

"Hey Ezra, can I have a quick chat with you?" Sabine asked. "Sure, do you want it in private?" Ezra replied. "Yes, if that's ok." Sabine said. "Ok bean" as they both sat down in Sabine's room she slowly approached Ezra with her encounter. At this moment Hera looked back and smiled at Sabine.

Ezra: what's up bean?

Sabine: I just thought I'd let you know about something which happened before.

Ezra: ?

Sabine: earlier on I was taking a walk around the ghost, because I couldn't sleep, and as I passed our bedrooms..

Ezra: you saw me with my jacket off?

Sabine: *gulps* yes, but it was an accident.

Ezra: that's ok, I knew you wouldn't of done it on purpose. We know each other well enough to know that. I'm glad you told me.

Sabine: thank you. So you're not mad at me?

Ezra: of course not.

Sabine: *sigh of relief* thanks......*hugs Ezra*

Ezra: aw, no need to thank me. I'm heading out in the morning after the storm has passed, you want to come?

Sabine: sure, I'll be ready. Oh, by the way I saw your scar. I'm amazed it's healed soo much. I know the feeling of seeing a scar and it bringing back horrible memories, so if you ever need any comfort then I'm here for you and I'm sure the rest of the crew will be too.

Ezra: thank you bean, and the same goes to you if you need me.

Ezra left Sabine room to take a quick nap and the morning, after Sabine also got some sleep, Ezra headed out to watch a sunrise and Sabine was behind him. As they sat on the edge of the base they watched the sunrise and during that moment they both realised that their relationship between each other was still strong, and that it would never be broken.

This chapter wasn't ment to be full of detail, it breifly shows Ezra reacting to seeing his scar again (after all scars tell stories) and how strong his bond with Sabine is after his setback. Plus I also put in how smart Hera is towards her space daughter, so I put in a mother/daughter moment there. Again this one was just to show you Ezra respect towards Sabine, and this will grow and develop even more in the next chapter so take this as a starting point for it 😁😎 hope you liked it, and this plot will develop in the last chapter 👍

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