A sudden awakening

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After the new recruits Sabine brought to the rebelion a week ago the loss of rebel pilots decreased massively, which gave the rebelion an advantage, and it allowed them to grow in size slowly which was mainly due to a larger number of new recruits, and most specialised for ground assault and defense. Phoenix squadron were feeling proud of their growth and development as a rebelion. But on one morning, those thoughts came to a halt.

On board the Ghost

*Alarm sounding* The ghost crew were suddenly awoke by the alarm, except for Hera who was on lookout at the time. "Everyone get up, commander Sato has called an emergency meeting!" Hera yelled to the crew, and moments later the rest of the crew came out of their rooms groaning and drowsy.

"What's going on!?"Ezra asked Sabine confused. "I don't know but it doesn't sound good" sabine replied. "Karabest! They couldn't of picked a worse time to Interrupt my dream!" Zeb yelled angrily. *Chopper laughing* "quite you but bucket! But what is the alarm for?" Zeb said. "Let's go and find out big guy!" Kanan said to Zeb. The crew were rushing towards the meeting point where commander Sato and Rex were waiting.

At the rendezvous

"What's the emergency!?" Ezra said to Sato. "Are we under attack!?" Sabine asked. "No, we just received an emergency transmission from from one of our Hammer head corvets" Rex replied. As commander Sato got the recording of the transmission up the crew were nervously thinking on what could possibly of happened. *Recording opens*

Rebel soldier: this is a hammer head corvet to phoenix base requesting assistance!! we are under attack please send reinforce....*static* *recording ended*

As Sato ended the recording the were silenced. "When did this happen" Hera asked. "Just over 20 minutes ago, the transmission was cut but the signal of the transmission allowed us to receive it" Rex replied. "The attack must have disabled the ship and cut The transmission" Sabine said curiously. "They can't track the signal right?" Zeb asked. "No, the signal and transmission was cut but only that section of the transmission was went. They wouldn't be able to track the signal" Ezra replied. "But who attacked them?" Kanan asked "most likely to be the empire!" Hera replied angrily. "Did anyone survive?" Sabine asked "we don't know yet, we've lost contact from the ship" Sato replied.

Once the crew had seen the transmission Hera and commander Sato have a conversation with the crew on what actions should be taken and start thinking about survivors. "How this corvet was attack is unclear, but we have to find out what happened to the crew of that ship and how it was attacked" Hera said to the crew. "And for that we need to devise a plan on how to investigate the ship" Sato replied. "If the empire attacked them over 20 minutes ago they could be waiting for us, or they could have left the ship in deep space. We don't know" Sabine said. "Do you still have the co-ordinates of the ship's last known position?" Kanan asked. "Yes we do" Sato replied "if they attacked the ship they would more than likely just leave it to drift in space, we have seen them do it before" Zeb said. "He's right" Hera said. "Send a small group to investigate, and keep your com link on so we can send in reinforcement if they are needed" Rex advised to the crew. "Agreed. I will keep the fleet in low orbit around chopper base and I'll stay alert if i am requested. Sato informed to the crew.

As Sato got the fleet ready for further instructions Hera and Rex were were discussing to the crew on who should attend the mission. "We don't need too many crew members, just enough to carry out an investigation on the attack. Ezra you can lead the mission" Hera said. "Good luck kid" Zeb wished to Ezra. "I'll go too, I can provide ammunition in case of any imperials on the ship" Sabine said to Hera. "Chopper you can too, you can stay on the phantom and scan for any imperial ships and I'll supply you with 3 rebel troops to give some assistance on the mission. Hera explained to the crew.

"Ok I agree on the strategies" Ezra responded. "But what about survivors? How do we know where they could be?" Zeb asked. "Take some first aid and medical equipment so you can attend to any survivers, and check all the rooms and corridors. Also while you are there try and salvage any supplies from the ship. They can be brought back to base and can be put to good use here. Kanan advised to the crew. "Ok I'll go and get the phantom ready" Ezra said to Hera. "Ok Ezra,  Sabine go and get the medical equipment and ammunitions ready. I'll tell the rebel troops to rendezvous with you in the Phantom before the mission" Hera said to the crew. "Stay safe everyone" Rex said to the crew" As the crew prepared for the mission they kept wondering if it was actually the empire who attacked the ship...And if so who?

(SWR AU story Number 37) Hope: a Star Wars Rebels story Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant