a second chance

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After Ezra's revival, the next few weeks were spent with the crew helping Ezra back on his feet in the base by training his body system with physical exercises at a rate which suited him, and the one person who promised to be by his side was Sabine.

"you're body system is recovering well Ezra after only one day after your treatment." Sabine informed Ezra. "Thanks, I'm starting to get more confident with myself now that your always by my side" Ezra replied. The plan for the next 2 weeks was for him to do 6 hours of physical exercise every day and after each day examine how his body system is coping with it, but first they had to get him out of bed, and it wasn't that simple.

Even though Ezra's muscle had gone back into shape he was still quite weak and frail, so getting him out of his bed was a challenge because they didn't want to hurt him. "Ok, the first thing I need you to do is to check if you can stand upright" Sabine said to Ezra. "Ok I'll try" Ezra replied. As Sabine slowly helped Ezra out of his bed, she let him sit on the floor for a minute. "Try and stand up slowly, and be careful not to hurt yourself" Sabine asked. "Ok." Ezra quietly replied.

As Ezra slowly tries to stand up Sabine started to worry, and eventually he reached a point where he couldn't stand any longer. He managed to stay standing for around 30 seconds but they both knew there was a lot of work to be done. "Sit down for a bit. What you really need is the right nutrition, so we'll see what your system needs" Sabine said. "Ok, but how am I supposed to do exercises if I can't stand property?" Ezra asks, and Sabine knew it was going to be difficult. "We'll think of something, for now get some rest" Sabine replied.

The problem is that since Ezra is much weaker, it feels like the gravitational pull on attolon is much stronger, so they had to devise a plan where he could do exercises in a lower gravity field, or even artificial gravity. But not long after Ezra asked that question, he's sumened to a meeting with the crew and Sato to discuss his condition. "Sabine, were having a meeting at the base, and we need Ezra. How is he?" Hera informed sabine. "Not good, it's as bad as we expected I'd say. He can stand for around 30-35 seconds in attolon's gravity. How am I going to bring him there without hurting him?" Sabine replied. "Ok, I'll send Kann and Zeb over to help him" Hera said to Sabine. "Thanks. Ok Ezra, looks like we're going to figure out a plan on your recovery" Sabine said to Ezra. "That's great, but how are we going to do it?" Ezra asked. "We'll find out soon enough I guess" Sabine replied.

*Zeb knocks on the door* "can we come in?" Zeb asked. "Yeah" Sabine replied. "Ezra, you ok?" Kanan asked. "I guess" Ezra replied. "Come on kid, let's get you back to full health" Zeb informed Ezra. To avoid hurting him, kanan lifted him onto Zebs back and they carried him to where they were having their meeting. "You ok big guy?" Kanan asked Zeb. "No, Ezra is almost weightless on my back, so I think we should be a bit worried" Zeb replied. "Don't worry once we get him back to full health he'll be fine." Kanan replied. They had a seat for him, so he could save his energy.

Sato: It's great to see you again commander Bridger, how do you feel?

Ezra: it's kind of hard to explain. I look the same as before, and I know my system is the same, but I just don't have any energy to do any exercise. And if I can't do that then my muscle tissue will decrease. But it feels like attolon's gravity is much stronger.

Rex: he's right about the gravity. in order for him to exercise we need to find a weaker gravitational field, but looking for a smaller planet puts us at risk of being attacked by the empire.

Hera: what about artificial gravity? All the starfighters and fighters generate an artificial gravitational field which is strong enough to keep the crew stationary. If I can fly the ghost outside the planet's gravity,Ezra might be able to stand for longer.

Ezra: it might work, but don't forget I have very little energy, so I need to regain it first, then slowly regain my body strength over time.

Sabine: he's right, we'll have to give him the right nutrition first before he does anything.

(SWR AU story Number 37) Hope: a Star Wars Rebels story Where stories live. Discover now