Plan of attack

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Once the crew gather for a meeting about how to save Ezra, Sabine was ready to share her plan of attack on the situation in hand. They needed to gather the correct medical equipment to perform the lifesaving operation which they hope could Bring Ezra back, but the whole thing is a roll of the dice.

At the Rendezvous on the base

"So Sabine, since we've agreed to follow on from your idea we need to come up with a plan to bring back commander Bridger" Sato said to sabine. "Thank you Sato, I'm greatful you have decided that" Sabine replied. "We know the idea, but our biggest problem is what equipment do we need for the operation and where do we get it from" Hera asked. "I might be able to help here, when I served in the clone wars there was a specific medical procedure which was used on Jedi if they were struck down by a lightsaber. The Jedi would survive, and the operation would take place when they are alive....but we will have to do it in a different scenario" Rex informed the crew

"What equipment was used Rex?" Kanan asked. "Really not that much. A Bacta tank, Bacta patches and the medical droids were equipped with many tools which allowed them to replace organs and damaged tissues within the body, and the operation would take hours to complete but with Ezra it will take longer. Also the Jedi back then had the ability of force heal, which allows them to heal any damages tissues in the body but I don't know if you taught him that Kanan" Rex replied to Kanan "that's less than I expected, I can't do force heal so neither can Ezra" Kanan replied. "Well Ezra was struck through his left we will have to replace it by finding another one" Zeb said to the crew. "With Rex's information we know what equipment we need, but finding it is the hard part" Sabine said. "Well we have a number of choices, and our best chance is to steal this equipment from the empire" Hera informed the crew. "She's right, the empire has a very large amount of medical resources" Kanan said. "but we have to choose where to get it from very carefully and fast" Hera said to the crew. "And what are our choices Hera?" Sato asked Hera. "Lothal's imperial capital, star destroy, cruiser or another imperial holdout. Those will be the most likely places to have high amounts of medical resources" Hera informed the crew. " there anything easier?" Zeb asked. "Sorry big guy, not this time but we are all think the same thing" Kanan replied to Zeb.

"So which one is it then?" Hera asked. "It's best to stay off lothal because Thrawn is now stationed I think our best chance is on a star destroyer" Sabine replied. "But which one!?" Zeb asked. "What about konstentine's destroyer? He seems to be fooled by us simply seeking into his ship whilst he's stationed in orbit above lothal" Sato said. "That's a good idea, and we should be out of Thrawn's way" Hera replied "well our plan is nearly ready, all we need now is an idea on how we are going to get the equipment" Sabine said. *Crew falls silent*

"The last few times we snuck into a destroyer was by a shuttle, but I think it's best to do it with a whole group so there is less chance that they can pick us out" Sato said to the crew. "I agree with that" Hera replied. "So do we" Sabine said. "Ok, we need to get ready and fast if we are to find a window where we can blend in with other imperial shuttles" Kanan said to the crew. "Ok, we'll get looking for that opportunity" Rex replied. "The rest of you, prep for an out!" Hera informed the crew.

As the crew set out to prepare for the mission, Hera notice Sabine was heading in a different direction. "Where are you going Sabine?" Hera asked Sabine. "I just....need to be alone for a bit" Sabine replied...*Sabine starts crying and walks off towards the med bay* Kanan started to walk after her but Hera stopped him. "Leave her, she's going through a lot here." Hera told kanan. "I just want her safe during this time" Kanan replied. "We all do, but If she feels more comfortable then leave her too it."

As Sabine checks on Ezra she can't stop thinking about blaming herself for what happened to Ezra, but she held on strong and used the emotion to motivate her in the upcoming mission. *Sabine held Ezra's left hand* "hold on Ezra, I promise that I will bring you back" Sabine whispered to Ezra's body as she slowly began to cry again. *Kisses his hand* "see you later" Sabine says.

As Sabine got her gear ready, the rest of the crew had found a window of opportunity. "Sabine, we've detected a convoy of imperial shuttles which were heading for a group of 3 star destroyers in orbit above lothal!" Sato informed sabine "great! We can use the one we stole a while ago and arive with the convoy after we've gone through hyperspace" Sabine replied.
"We could do with a lot of crew on this mission. So we've agreed that you, Kanan, Rex, Zeb, chopper and your 3 rebel guards, which assisted you in your previous mission, will be the best crew for the job. I'll send in some more soliders as support if needed. During the mission me and Hera will guide you through it and keep in contact. I will also ready a small fleet, if needed" Sato informed the crew. "That's great, so all we need to do now is ready the shuttle, and put on our discusses....well Zeb will have to hide in a crate" Sabine replied. "My lucky day" Zeb sarcastically replied to Sabine

As the shuttle was being loaded the crew got prepared for the mission ahead. "Is the shuttle ready?" Hera asked. "Yes, and we are ready to set of." Sabine replied. "Good luck everyone" Hera said "we will need it" Zeb replied.

*Shuttle takes off*

Hope you enjoyed chapter 8, the next chapter will be published soon.

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