Ch.15 the reasons why and HAPPY BRITHDAY TOMMO

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SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!  I had writer block!


Harry’s P.O.V.

Liam and Emily have been gone for hours!  Louis was having a total mental break down! Zayn is just sitting there unresponsive and Niall looks like he is having a conversation with the sandwich he’s eating. I’m pretty sure my hair is sticking up straight from me running my fingers thru it so many times.  They have been gone for almost 5 hours.  It’s already 10 o’clock at night! WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING? I start to walk back and forth. I kept running my hands thru my hair.

Danielle and Eleanor have been calling none stop to see what’s going on or what the newest update is. Louis called them and told them about what happened.

‘Harry stop! You’ll create a draft.’ Zayn blurted.

I stop mid turn and look at him. I hope I don’t look like him because he looks totally stressed out.  You could feel the tension in the air.   Zayn starts to talk again but I shut him up by putting up my finger.

I could hear an ignition from a car. Is it them? I hear it pull into the drive way and the purring of the engine dies. The rest the boys probably heard it to because they follow me outside. I was right. They were here. Liam gets out the car closing the door and walking towards us. Where’s Emily? Liam is standing in front of us now.

‘I’m sorry I worried you guys. Emily was crying really hard and was really upset. She wouldn’t let me call ya’ll. She didn’t want any of you to worry. She even told me to go home and leave her alone.  She mostly just cried into my chest. Louis she was torn apart! I didn’t even know what to tell her! She seemed like a puppet. She was just lying in my arms motionless.  She looked broken beyond repair.  Then she started to say that everything those… people wrote about her was true.‘ Liam looked like on the verge of tears. He looked pale as if he seen a ghost.   His usual hair was pulled in all directions and his shirt had a stain from what I’m guessing is Emily’s tears.

‘Where is Emily now?’ Niall asked with worry in his eyes. He hasn’t talked to anyone since … everything happened.

‘She fell asleep. She in the back seat sleeping.’ Liam said motioning towards the car.

Louis kept asking Liam question for every bit of information he could. His eyes were pleading for a way to help his little baby cousin out in any way.  Louis hated that Tyler guy.  I mean, he just went all big brother and started to hate every guy who comes close to her.  He is going to be way to over protective now.  If he keeps it up it’s going to bite him in the ass but he really did love her.

 I make my way to the backseat. I open the door to see a lifeless body lying down across the leather seats. At first I wasn’t sure if she was alive but I saw the rise and fall of her chest and I let out a breath relief.  I reach into the car and pull her out bridal style. 

She wakes up just enough for her to wrap her arms around my neck. Her head was against my chest. I could feel the wetness of her tears against my shirt. Her body was cold.  I walk thru the door and into my room.  I put her head on the pillow then slowly lowered her body to bed.  Her whole body is on the bed but her arms are still around my neck. I go to remove them but she tightens them. I lower my shoulder and let out a sign of surrender.  I pull of my blazer and shoe. Shit! Emily still has her shoes on and Liam’s coat.  I walk over to her side of the bed and take off her shoes and Liam’s coat. She shivers from the cold air and loss of warmth.  I scrawl into the bed next to her. I wrap my arms around her trying to keep her warm. She was shaking.   Emily must of noticed my body heat and she nuzzled in my chest and finally fell back to sleep.

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