Ch. 10 the best nightmare that has ever happened to Harry

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Hey guys! J here is chapter 10. Comment and tell me what u think

Emily’s P.O.V.

‘Emmie Doo! Come here.’ A husky voice said.

‘Daddy? Your home!’ I screamed running to the door. I saw my dad standing there at the front door with his sea bag and his usual uniform on. 

I see that he notices me and he drops his bags and thrust his hands up waiting for me to give him a hug. I run with my arms in front and give him the biggest hug I have ever given to a human being. He chuckles and he sways me back and forth as we stood there enjoying each other company. I buried my head into his chest breathing in his scent. Ever since I could remember he smelt like after shave and some tip of old time-y colane.   I look up to him.

‘I missed you dad.’ I said still muffed by his clothes

‘I missed you to baby girl.’ My dad said.

We finally broke apart.  ‘you are growing up to big. I swear im going to make a law that forbids you from growing any older ‘ dad said in a joking tone

‘aww come on dad don’t start that again’ I whined

We were quite for a moment. ‘when are you leaving again?’ I asked

‘I have to be at the base in three days.’ My dad said not making eye contact

I pulled him into another hug. ‘im going to miss you. You know that?’

‘I know.’ He breathed in. ‘I know you will and I will too.’


Two gun shots go off. I look at my body looking for wounds. Nothing.

‘DADDY!’ I screamed. I could see that one of the bullets hit his chest. I heard footsteps from behind him but I didn’t dare look that way. I flew to the floor where he was laying.

‘no daddy.’ I was sobbing. ‘please don’t go. Stay with me.’

….I woke up screaming. I was in a hot sweet and crying. My body falls back down hitting my head on one of Harry’s pillows. It was a dream.

I found Harry sitting next to me. ‘Emily, what happened?!’ he seemed frightened by my scream.

Louis comes running into the room only in his boxers. ‘ Whats going on?’

‘Get the hell out of my house or I will hit you with this bat..’ Niall came running in Harry’s room with a baseball bat.

‘What happened?’ Liam came running in after the boys.

Zayn was shouting something in the hall as he made it to the room with the rest of the boys.

‘Harry what did you to her’ Zayn’s voice came out raw from the sleep

‘Shut up Zayn this is not a time for joking.’ Liam turns to look at me. ‘what happened babe?’ he came to the bed and wrapped his arms around me. I snaked my arms around his and started to ball into his bare chest. He stroked my hair. ‘shh its going to be okay. Just tell us what happened.’ He said in a soothing voice.

‘I had a dream about my dad’ I whimpered out in-between sobs.

‘what was it about’ Niall said sitting on the edge of the bed moving hair out of my face.

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