Ch. 12 Meeting Dani and El

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Danielle’s P.O.V.

Eleanor and I were just getting off the plane heading to get our bag from the plane.

‘ELEANORRR!’ a familiar male voice yelled.

‘DANNII!’ now I knew that voice anywhere.

Eleanor and I both turned around to see two boys running straight towards us.

‘Danielle! I missed you so much babe!’ Liam said while picking me up and spinning us in a circle.

I laughed. ‘Awee I missed you to Li.’ I said back still in a hug.

‘come ladies lets go get you bags’ Louis said with his arm around El. I swear they are the cutest thing.

Liam places an arm around me. I lean my head on his shoulder as we walk to get our suitcases.

Louis and Liam being gentlemen do it for us and carry our bags.

Each of us go into our own little conversation when I hear a ‘hey! Wait up guys!’ an Irish voice yells.

I soon see three boys … and a girl? Running towards us.  I see Harry pulling the girl behind him not letting go of her hand. ‘aweee’ I think to myself. Harry got himself a girl. A really pretty one at that, with her long brown hair and a braid on the side. She was pulling off her whole look she was going for.  The girl seemed to look around 18. Her eyes were green like Harry’s and her makeup was tastefully done. I noticed how she walked… no way?! She’s a dancer! It all made since now. How her body was so toned and when she was running behind Harry she didn’t fall to the ground.  It might sound weird but a dancer knows a dancer. When dancers walk they do it with poise and balance.  I smile to myself feeling brilliant for figuring this out.  They all stop in front of us out of breathing hard.

‘were are you running to?’ Louis asked sarcastically.

 I laugh at his remark

‘we … were… looking…. For you…but…..’ Zayn said in between breaths ‘you … disappeared’ he said barley being able to control his breath.

‘oh sorry mate.’ Liam starts ‘we just really wanted to see our girls’ Liam said while looking at me and giving me a kiss. I smile into it.

‘come on guys we need to get into the van before we get mobbed … again’ Niall says catching his breath.

We start our way to the doors. Nothing seemed real. A week with Liam and nothing can stop us from having the times of our lives.

‘I love you’ Liam whispers into my ear. I blush 

‘I love you too’ I said back. He pushes me closer to him.

The next week is going to be so much fun.

Emily’s P.O.V.

Thank god I didn’t get lost. Harry was pulling me thru the airport looking for Danielle and Eleanor. I was actually scared to meet them. What if they don’t like me or the end up being snotty bitches or they think im weird and I don’t belong. Ughh


We had finally found them and made a dash to the van. We all pilled in.

Well… this is awkward.  Everyone was consumed in conversation we got in then it when head silent when the car started.

I saw Louis whispering something into Eleanor’s ear and she was nodding her head. A big smile grows across her face and she goes to look at me. She reaches her hand out.

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