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My sister, Maddy was just finishing up putting mascara on me when there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it you two go pick out a nice outfit for each other then we'll go shopping okay?" My mom asked, standing up.

I nodded. Maddy picked out some black high waisted shorts with a yellow crop top that had an embroidered red rose on it. I quickly changed and when I came out my mom was standing there with Josh beside her.

I froze and looked at the floor. "You look very pretty Tyler." He said quietly. "Thanks." I whispered. I looked up. "C-can I talk to you?" He asked. I looked at my mom then back at him  I nodded and went back in my room he followed, shutting the door behind him.

We stood in a heavy silence for a few minutes. "Are you okay?" He asked. I shrugged. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I was upset and I wasn't thinking. I'm so sorry." He said. I looked at the floor.

"You don't have to forgive me but I just wanted you to know that I am very sorry." He said. I didn't respond. He sighed. "Alright I'll leave now." He said, turning and reaching for the door.

"You're right y'know?" I whisper. He looks back at me. "One day I'm going to go sleep with some douchebag, he's going to use me and leave me crying somewhere then I'm going to hate myself for the next few days until some other asshole messages me, and the cycle just repeats." I said.

"Tyler I'm sure it-"_"that's exactly how it'll play out cause that's how it's been for the last three years." I whispered, started to cry again. He took slow careful steps towards me. "Don't cry." He said. I looked up at him as he stopped in front of me.

"You're too pretty to cry." He said, wiping away the warm tears. I sniffled. He hugged me. "I'm sorry." He whispered. I buried my face in his neck.

He gently picked me up and sat on the bed with me in his lap. We sat there for another few minutes before I pulled away. "So you're not a complete dick." I said, smiling slightly. He returned it. "I know." He said, combing some hair back out of my face.

"Josh?" I asked. He hummed. "Yes." I said. He gave me a confused look. "I'll go on a date with you." I said. He smiled.

My mom softly knocked on the door before slowly entering. She frowned again. "What happened?" She asked. I shook my head. "Nothing. I'm okay." I said. She nodded. "Are you still up for shopping?" She asked

I looked at Josh. "Can he come?" I asked. "I don't see why not." She said. I smiled. "Alright now before we go let's go fix your Make up." She said. I nodded and followed her to the bathroom.

She cleaned off the ruined make you and redid it for me. "Ready to go?" She asked. I nodded and grabbed Josh's hand dragging him outside to the car.

When we got to the mall we went around to a few stores with my mom and sister, buying things we liked. Josh was carrying my bags, he offered so I let him.

"Hey Mom can me and Josh go explore by ourselves?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah here, don't lose it or your father will flip his shit. Also text me when your done so we can meet up." She said handing me one of the credit cards.

I nodded, gently taking it from her. I grabbed Josh's free hand and dragged him to a few more stores, making him judge a few things I tried in, he said he liked them all and I look good in anything.

I smirked when we came across the lingerie store and dragged Josh inside. I seen him swallow thickly but he remained silent. I went over to the panties and grabbed a few that I liked that were my size.

"What about those? You'd look amazing in them." Josh said pointing to a pair of black panties with red accents. I smiled and grabbed them adding to the pile.

Josh got a message and while he was distracted on his phone I went over to the full body lingerie and looked through them. I grabbed a black laced one and hid it under the rest of my items before going to pay.

Josh waited patiently beside me as the girl rang my items through. He listened as we talked about makeup and clothes, probably not understanding anything we were saying.

After I had paid he grabbed my bags and we we're off to the next store.

A/N ~ uummmmm so I just had a dream that me and my friend we're at a restaurant and then at the restaurant across the street Tyler, Jenna and Josh were there and as they were walking out of the restaurant Jenna fucking flips over the balcony railing and face plants and everyone just stands there staring so I run across the street to help her. Once she's on her feet I look up at Tyler and just scream "why the fuck are you just standing there!? Your wife just fell two stories!" And Tyler just stood there like a blank faced emotionless bitch like he looked like he was bored with what was happening and that's when I woke up, looked around my room and sat for a moment like 'what the actual fuck?'. Like am I okay? Why is my Brain trying to kill Jenna and why is it making Tyler heartless? ~Max

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