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Tyler's pov.

I park my car, sighing and looking out the window at the large building. I just moved here, to Columbus Ohio and today's my first day at my new school. I'd rather be at home sleeping but what can you do.

I look in the rearview mirror, making sure my makeup doesn't need to be touched up and fixing my hair a bit.

I grab my backpack and climb out of my car, everyone was staring at me already, but that's probably because I have the nicest car in the parking lot. My dad runs a big company and makes tons of money. So he likes to spoil me and my siblings.

I roll my eyes and close the door, locking it. I head inside the crowded building, searching for the office. Feeling everyone's eyes on me, maybe I enjoy it, but they don't need to know that.

"Hey there sweet thing." Some douche called from across the hall. I turn and look at him, he smirks and Pat's his lap. "Why don't you come take a seat, sweetheart?" He asked, his friends laughing.

I smile sweetly and walk over, planting myself in his lap and reaching my hands behind his neck. He looked surprised that I actually did it. He grabbed onto my thighs. I smacked his hand away. "Gonna take more then some cocky ass comment and fake confidence to get me in bed hunny." I said, looking him up and down.

His friends laughed while he sat with his mouth open in shock. I smiled. "Now, if you wanna help me, you could tell me how to get to the office." I said, running a finger down his chest and biting my lip. "Down the hall to the left." He said.

I slid off his lap. "Thanks." I said before turning around and heading down the hall, making sure to move my hips more then necessary just to mess with the boys.

When I found the office I slipped inside and walked up to the desk, waiting impatiently for someone to help me. After standing there for a good five minutes I finally received my schedule and went back out into the hall.

A guy, who is much taller then me stepped in front of me. "Hey, baby." He said. "Hi, dickhead." I said in a sweet voice. "Watch yourself." He said. "Why's that? You wouldnt hurt me would you?" I asked, running my hand up his chest. "Of course not." He smirked.

"Didn't think so." I said trailing my hand back down. "Why don't we go somewhere a little more private?" He asked. "Why don't you go fuck yourself?" I asked, batting my eyelashes. He huffed out a breath and stepped out of my way. I took a step forward and blew him a kiss, his friends laughing and making fun of him.

One of his friends, a guy with a snapback and gauges stepped in front of me then. "Now what can I do for you?" I asked. He reached down and squeezed my ass. I gasped. "What's a pretty boy like you doing with an attitude like that? Hm?" He asked.

"What's a jackass like you doing thinking he can just come over and start touching me without permission?" I asked. He smirked. "You love it don't lie to me." He said pushing me back until I hit the wall. I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe, maybe not, still doesn't give you the right to do it." I said, starting to get annoyed. "Fine." He said, removing his hands. He was still standing in front of me though.

"That a boy, now I got places to be so if you would be so kind and move I'd appreciate it." I said. He smiled slightly and stepped back. "Thank you." I said, turning to leave. He smacked my ass. I just raised my hand and flipped him off not bothering to turn back to look at him.

I looked down at my schedule and made my way to my first class, Chemistry, which I'm only taking for the credit, I hate this kind of stuff.

I walk into the classroom and find a seat at the back. A few minutes pass before the classroom is filled and the teacher is starting the lesson.

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