The Bet *Inseparable

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There are two songs for this chapter:  Wonderland by Natalia Kills and What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. Banner by TheaDuenas13 .

Facebook page on the External Link! Thank you so much for reading my story :) ♥

The spin-off (sequel/book 2) of The Bet is Colliding with Fate. It's already posted on Wattpad.

 Enjoy! (:

Chapter 56 *Inseparable


“Can I do it tomorrow?”


 “Please?” Draky says, giving me a puppy look.

 Ugh! He knows that I can’t resist him when he does that. “Drake Swift!”

 He sighs. “I’ll only talk to him when you’re with me.”

 “You’re so stubborn, you know?”

 “I know.” He grins sheepishly. “But you still love me.”

 I bite my inner cheeks to stop them from blushing.

 Draky elbows me playfully. “You love me, right?”

 “Of course I love you,” I murmur.

 He smiles and wraps his arms around me. “So, can we just hang out here in your room instead of—“

“No,” I say firmly. “You have to talk to your dad now.”

 “Fine,” he mumbles, a frown creasing his brow.

 I rub his arm, and he relaxes at my touch. “I’m going with you.”


 “Let’s go,” I say, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the house.

 I’ve been persuading Draky to talk to his dad and restore their relationship. Finally, he agreed. I already told him about the connection of Andre’s family and mine. He was surprised when he found out. Well, who wouldn’t? We didn’t know our lives could intertwine like that.

 We’re on our way to their house when I ask, “Can you tell me what you wrote on my paper?”

 “What paper?” he asks, glancing at me in the corner of his eyes.

 “The paper where all of our classmates wrote something about us.”

 “Why?” Draky asks, panic rising in his eyes.

 “Because I want to know,” I say obviously.

 He sighs. “Fine. But tell me what you wrote on my paper first.”

 “But I asked you first!”

 “Please?” he says, battling his eyelashes at me.

 Ugh! He’s so hard to resist! “You are my first crush.”

 He looks taken aback at my answer. “That was you?” he asks incredulously.

 “Yeah,” I admit, smiling. “That was me.”

 “Wow,” he breathes. “I can’t believe it!” And then he starts to smile slowly, until he’s grinning like Ronald McDonald. “I’m your first crush! Wow!”

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