Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

A new day. I have to get out of bed but it is literally taking everything in me not to just stay in bed. At first I was excited about the whole school thing since I hadn't been there for so long but after one day, I can safely say I don't want to go back. Too bad I have a million days left before I'm officially done.

I get up with a groan and make my way towards the bathroom where I do my daily routine. I'm wearing light wash jeans and a nice shirt I got at forever 21. I'm stylish for about the first week of school. Every day after that is a complete fail and I'd rather not talk about it.

Mom and Rose are still sleeping when I make my way downstairs and I begin to make myself a bagel.

Once I'm done I hear a knock on my door and I open it to see Jack. He pressed his soft lips against mine and I'm putty in his hands. How can he still have this effect on me when we've kissed a decent amount of times already?

Our hands interlock and we make ourselves towards his car. There's a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I can't shake off. Something doesn't feel right. Maybe it's because I feel guilty that he's waking up so early just to take me to school? Yeah, that's it.

"Is there something wrong?" The words leave Jack's mouth as I'm looking out the window.

My eyes meet his for a split second and I shake my head, "No, I guess I'm just tired of school already. I hate waking up early." My hands go up to my eyes instinctively and rub them.

"Aw, well it'll be over before you know it," he reassures me and takes my small hand in his. This felt better. He makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Faith Jones never feels warm and fuzzy. But I guess he's an exception.

Sadly, we arrive at the school. "See you at lunch," he says placing a kiss on my forehead then on my lips. "See ya," I say glumly and exit the car.

Can I just quit school and move to Disney? I'm sure Cinderella has an extra room in that castle.

"Faith!" I hear a voice call out and my eyes meet Shawn's. "Hey!" I reply and we begin to walk together towards my class. It feels good to finally have a friend who acknowledges you. I have to admit it felt nice to be recognized by someone.

"Where are you headed to?" He asks and I reply, "FCM. What about you?"

"Math Models," he says with a groan.

"Wait, you're a junior?" I ask, surprised. He nods, "Are you?"

I shake my head, "I'm a senior."

"You don't look like one," he says looking down at me and I roll my eyes, "Well you don't look like a junior."

"I get that a lot," he says with a chuckle.

I couldn't believe he was a junior. He seemed liked a senior. Then again I look like I could be in middle school.

Once we reached my classroom, he left and I went inside. I set my things down and prepared myself for the most agonizing hour and thirty minutes left of this unnecessary class.


It's finally art class and I directly go look for my portrait but I couldn't find it. My eyebrows furrow in confusion and I look over at my desk to see that Shawn was already there with both our portraits on the desk. A small smile is painted on my lips and I make my way to my table.

"Thank you," I say with a grateful smile and he shakes his head, "No problem." I still can't believe he's a junior.

Class soon begins and we begin to work. I put serious effort into everything I do. Well, mostly everything. Actually, I just put effort into things that I like to do.

After a while I looked at my work and smiled, satisfied. I'm not that great of an artist but when I really try, it turns out pretty decent and this was one of those times when it looked alright for someone who's not an artist.

Shawn looked over at it and his eyes widen. Aw. I thought it was okay...

"What's wrong with it?" I say with a frown and avert my gaze over to the painting. He shakes his head, "Absolutely nothing. It's actually perfect."

I bow my head down and try to avoid the rosiness in my cheeks. Whenever anyone compliments something I really put effort into, it makes me extremely happy because it shows that my efforts weren't a complete waste of time.

"I don't think it's perfect, but thank you," I reply, lifting my head back up.

"You're entitled to the wrong opinion," he says with a cheesy smile and I roll my eyes so far back I see my brain, "Whatever."

After a while the bell rings for lunch and Shawn and I walk out the doors and head outside where I see Jack was already there. I guess this is going to be become a normal routine now.

My lips meet Jack and Shawn awkwardly gets in the back seat.

"Where to?" I ask happily. For some reason I was in a good mood now. Anytime I'm with Jack I'm happy.

He shrugs and puts a hand on my thigh as he drives, "Wherever you want to go." My heartbeat increased as I saw his thumb create small circles on my sensitive skin. Goosebumps arose and that infamous smirk of his was placed upon his perfect face.

I cough and look out the window, "Um. where do you wanna go, Shawn?"

"It doesn't matter. I'll eat wherever," he responds, not really helping at all.

"I think I have a craving for Sonic," Jack says randomly and I nod. Sonic it is.

My sight was still fixated on the hand that was placed on my thigh. He hadn't taken it off yet and I was slightly turned on. Is that bad?

I've never had a boyfriend before, so all these feelings are new to me. I'm not sure if they're normal or not.

I looked out the window to distract myself but every time his hand did the slightest movement, my heart couldn't help but race even faster. For some reason I think he knows what he's doing, and he loves that I'm freaking out because there has been a smirk on his face ever since I coughed to clear my throat. He's evil. But I love him.

Soon, but not soon enough, we arrived at Sonic and we made our way inside. I ordered a hot dog since my appetite was slightly lost due to the butterflies Jack gave me back there. I handed her the money before Jack could and the three of us made our way to a table.

"I actually have to go to the bathroom. Be right back," I say standing up but I bump into someone and their drink spills on me.

I fall back onto my seat and Jack quickly helps me as much as he can. The liquid was now sticky and all over my shirt. The stain very evident. My angry eyes looked up to see the person who hadn't even said sorry and suddenly my mouth went dry.

It was my sister.


You guys, I'm seriously so sorry for not updating sooner. There was a lot of things happening and I was pretty depressed. But I'm back. <3

And I'm sorry for leaving it like that. I'm just so evil xD

Also, I posted the trailer for this story. Just search on YouTube "Different Jack Gilinsky Trailer" and it should appear.

Feel free to follow me on twitter- @nobitchcloud

Love you guys, and thank you for sticking through this story even though my updating schedules are whack. /:


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