Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

3 weeks later

I was almost done packing my bag when I heard my mom yell from downstairs, "Are you ready?"

"I'll be right there!" I hollered back and added a few things to my bag. I never knew what I wasn't or was going to need so I always put extra things. In my opinion it's better to have too much than not enough because what if I decided I wanted to go to the beach? I'd have sandals. But what if I hadn't brought them? It would've ruined everything because I was not going to be able to go to the beach in my vans. Woah, I obviously think way too much.

I hurried down the stairs and I didn't see Rose so I asked, "Where's Rose?"

"She's in the car, we were waiting for you," my mother so kindly replied and I sighed, "I'm sorry. You know how I am with packing."

She nodded and laughed, "We all know."

I laughed slightly and we made our way towards the car. I was seriously looking forward to this trip.

My mom started the car and we were off. I guess we were meeting the rest of the gang at the airport.

It took around 15 minutes before we arrived at the airport. We grabbed our luggage and we met up with Jeff, Jack and Jack. We passed through the necessary security and sat down to wait at the gate.

"Are you excited?" Jeff asked and I nodded, "Thank you by the way."

"It's no problem. I hope we have a lot of fun. I like making birthdays memorable," he stated and I smiled and nodded. I wast sure what I was supposed to say. I've always been extremely awkward around everyone and I despise that about myself. I wonder how some people make conversation and keep it going like what? How does one to that? Is there some sort of instruction manual? Or a 'Speaking for Dummies' book?

My thoughts were interrupted by Jack J asking me where my seat was. "It's B11." He looked over at his ticket, "Mine is A11 and Jack G's is C11. You're gonna be stuck between us." He laughed and I instantly groaned. What did I owe this marvelous pleasure to?

"Oh come on, it won't be that bad," Jack G teased.

"That bad? So it's going to be bad?" I asked, face palming. They laughed and didn't respond after that. Sometimes I think I have the best luck in the world.

They started boarding and we got on the plane. Jack G was in the window seat and the other Jack was on the other side. Our parents and Rose were on the seats in the other lane.

After a few minute the plane took off and I began to feel jittery. I was so excited. I hadn't traveled in quite some time. I looked out the window and it looked absolutely beautiful. All the water looked amazing from up here.

"You're so fascinated, it's so fun to watch you," I heard Jack G, which I'm going to start calling butt chin, say.

"Shut up, butt chin," I replied and he laughed shaking his head, "Butt chin? Really?" I giggled and covered my mouth. This wasn't like me. I don't just giggle. That's not me.

"Why'd you cover your mouth as if you were ashamed or something?" He asked and I looked down, "I don't like giggling. That's too girly. I laugh. Laughing is more normal. I don't giggle."

Saying that in my mind sounded a thousand times better. Out loud it didn't make much sense. I understood myself which is all that should really matter.

Butt chin chuckled, "Well, I'm glad I'm the one that can make you giggle when no one else can."

Jack J which I'm going to start calling Blondie (I know, so creative), opened a bag of chips and I looked at him is shock. "What?" He asked. "What are you doing with a huge bag of chips? Is that even allowed?" I heard Butt chin chuckle next to me and Blondie joined him. "Yeah, it's allowed." I nodded, impressed, "Well let me get some."

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