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The past 2 days, Yuuki is currently running around the Asian branch, and jumping over the railings, swing over to the floor below. She had her red haired pulled back into a ponytail, and wearing a tank top. She has left her leather jacket behind in her room that she was currently staying in.

She has been having the same nightmare, which it seems to her for the past two days, ever since she has heard the female voice in her head. The nightmare felt so real for her. The nightmare involves a brown haired girl that almost gets killed by a man in a hood. She would always try to do something, but always gets there late.

Yuuki knows that Allen was still trying to get his anti-Akuma weapon to activate fully. She sometimes feels like someone is watching her. She would turn around when she feels someone staring at her, but finds no one was there.

She slows down from running, before putting her back against a wall, and sliding down to the ground. Taking in deep breaths, and letting them out slowly.

"Miss Marian," She hears Bak's voice.

"For the last time, just call me. Yuuki." She responds, and opens her green eyes to show Bak standing in front of her, with a serious expression on his face.

"Yuuki, why hasn't General Cross say anything about having a daughter to the Order? Are you even telling the truth?" Bak questions her.

She raises an eyebrow at him, before chuckling, "Cross, My father didn't say anything, because the Order would like me to be their little puppet, since he is one of the generals and powerful exorcist. You can believe me or not, that's your choice. You can always ask Cross, when you see him." Yuuki pushes herself from the ground and stares at him in the eye. She was about to pass him.

"Then what is your business here, then?" Bak asks her, as she turns her head. Her ponytail swings to the side, revealing a red star on the back of her neck, before her ponytail covers it again.

"I am here for my friend, who is going through a tough time. He may be my father's apprentice. He is still my friend. Believe me or not." She responds with a straight face.

"Would you follow Walker if he achieves activating his innocence?" Bak asks and ignoring the star he saw on her neck.

She stares at the ground for a moment.

"Yuuki, you must understand when someone becomes a full pledge exorcist. They have to accept that they may die on the battlefield." Cross says to the 9 years old Yuuki, before putting a cigarette on his lips. Looking out the window of the train, they are currently on.

She looks at her wrist where there was a small cross, before putting the red bracelet to cover it again.

She looks up at him. "What about you? Are you going to leave me?" Tears soon swell up in her green eyes. Cross immediately glances over to her, hearing her little voice breaking. He takes his cigarette in his left hand, as he pulls Yuuki onto his lap with his right hand.

Hugs her to his chest, and chuckles "Not anything soon. Who is going to protect you from the monsters? Huh." Causing her to laugh a little and wrapping her small arms around him. Burying her face into his shoulder, soon fell asleep.

She looks up at Bak and says, "I will follow him and support him. I may not be with the Order. I still consider myself an exorcist."

Bak stared at her in surprise and quickly changing the subject. "Do you know where's Walker at?"

"He is in that room where you took him, trying to invocate his innocence." Yuuki answers.

"Oh, alright. Would you wish to company me to check on Walker?" Bak asks her.

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