Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Regret. That's the first thing I feel when I tell Jake that I told Justin about everything that happened. I regret telling Jake, but most importantly I regret telling Justin.

"You told him everything?" he asks me with a shocked expression.

"Yeah," I reply, "he saw me fight!" Jake sighs and starts pacing around the park while rubbing his forehead with his thumb.

"This is bad," he tells me. "Now we're going to have to protect not only you but your brother as well!" he finishes while nearly yelling, but not at me. He seems to be yelling at himself. "I shouldn't have gotten you into this."

"Wait," I interrupt him as he mumbles to himself, "what do you mean my brother?" He gives a quick laugh after I ask this.

"Isn't it obvious?" he asks with a grin. "They're going to go after your brother too, since no regular humans are allowed to know about The Fallen, or demons while at it!" shocked, I stare at him in silence for a couple of seconds.

"Well you never told me that!" I now yell at him.

"I never thought I had to!" he tells me, now yelling as well. I look around to see if anybody is staring at us, but it's dark out and nobody is outside right now. Either way I quickly lower my voice.

"What do you mean by you never thought you had to?" I ask him, although I think I know why.

"I thought it'd be completely obvious, and that you'd understand that right away."

"Well, what was I supposed to tell him if he saw me teleport?" He sighs in frustration again.

"Why'd you tell him anyways? And why were you teleporting in the first place?"

Frustrated, I repeat to Jake how the woman who was also a Fallen threatened to attack me and how she'd come with demons as backup.

"Never mind that," he says, changing the subject. "What's really important is that one of the Fallen threatened to attack you, that's not good at all."

"Don't change the subject," I tell him. "We're talking about Justin here."

"Like I said, it's too late now, he saw what he saw and he knows what he knows. We have to prepare for that woman, do you remember what she looks like?"

"The same as the rest of us! Dark skin, red eyes, the usual couple of scars," I tell him.

"Nothing distinguishing?"

"I mean, she had short hair and she dyed it dark blonde, but other than that, there's not much I could tell you."

"How did she attack?" Jake asks, now shocked and a bit shaky.

"Well, she never really had an opportunity to attack me, she was just talking the whole time until Justin showed up and she had to go."

"Did she," Jake pauses for a second. "I don't know how to explain this," he starts rubbing his forehead again. "Did she change everything? Like an illusion?"

"Yeah! She did!" I reply, with more enthusiasm than I should've. Jake kneels down on one knee and covers his face with his left hand, then he starts rubbing his eyes.

"It's way too early for this," Jake murmurs to himself as he slowly places his right hand on the ground, the same way Skylar and I do when we summon. "I have to go now," Jake then tells me as he gives off a quick sigh. "Tell the others about this while I'm gone, Zen will know what to do."

Jake then slowly dematerializes, leaving me alone in the park across the street from the fast food restaurant in which Angelica and I had breakfast just yesterday morning. How am I supposed to contact Zen anyways? I don't know where anybody lives other than Jake.

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