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Song: Midnight Memories- One Direction

"Want to see what kind of trouble we can get into?"

"Oh god, we're going to die, aren't we?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's a Tuesday. I know how to restrain myself."

Landon scoffed. "You absolutely do not."

"Come on, champ!" I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest. "It's spring break. I've been stuck in this house all day."

Landon stared at me for a second, his eyes squinted, before he looked away from me and sighed. I smirked, pumping my fist in victory. Landon stood and stretched, and I zipped to my room, slipping on my converses before running out the front door. Landon followed behind me, and the two of us walked through my neighborhood, heading for the town. Once we reached the town, we stopped for lunch at Denny's, and then after lunch, we got ice cream at Dairy Queen.

"So, what's the plan?" Landon questioned, licking his ice cream, and I shrugged, wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"Not sure yet. It's almost dark out, so there isn't much we can do." I glanced out the window of Dairy Queen, watching the cars moving slowly on the streets of town. Across the road, a couple kids stood outside of the theater, laughing and goofing off. As I watched them, I felt nostalgic. I had been so caught up in my bad lifestyle and problems with mom that I completely forgot what it was like to have a childhood. I was so focused on growing up to escape my problems that I forgot about the real problems I would have to face once I became an adult. Watching those kids made me realized how much I took my childhood for granted. A lot of people do that, though. We are so determined to grow up that we forget to slow down and enjoy our childhood before it slips out of our grasp.

"Any ideas yet?" I looked at Landon again to see he had finished his ice cream and was watching me. I finished off my ice cream before licking my lips, glancing around the parlor. Suddenly, an idea came to me, and I smirked, stood, and grabbed Landon's arm. "Woah, tiger. Where are we going?"

I smirked as I glanced back at him. "You'll see."

I led Landon on the walk back to my house. Mom was away for her campaign, which meant I had the house all to my self. That, of course, also meant I didn't have to listen to her degrade me or complain about how I was not the daughter she hoped she had. Oh well. I can't make everyone happy. Not even myself.

By the time we reached my house, Landon was staring at me quizzically. "The trouble you wanted to get in... is at your house?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Hell no. It's in the backyard."

"Please tell me we're not holding a cult meeting."

"Do I look like that kind of person to you?" I playfully glared, smacking his arm, and he stuck his tongue out at me. "Just trust me. I promise you won't regret it."

"The last time I trusted you, I ended up with a tattoo on my body."

I shrugged. "You loved it."

Leading him out to the background, I made him sit at the picnic table until it was completely dark. Once it was dark, I motioned for Landon to follow me. I grabbed hold of the privacy fence between our house and the neighbor's, beginning to climb. Once I was at the top, I glanced back at Landon to see him looking at me incredulously.

"We're trespassing!? Kara, I expected trouble, not a jail sentence!"

"Relax, would you?" I replied, smirking at him. "They love me. We're just taking advantage of their pool."

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