Chapter three

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•Hayes Pov•

Why is she here? Why the hell would she come back? She has been gone for two years and she decides to come back now?

She screwed me up. I almost gave up on life because of the pain she caused.

She thinks all i date are sluts? Slut Sally and who're Wilma? That hurts me. Those words. They kill me.

And what about her? She's the cause of all this. She left. She hurt me. And I was alone.

She cut me out of her life for two years. She doesn't love me. She doesn't love anyone except herself.

"Hayes, what the hell was that?!" Nash yells barging into my room.

"nothing," i respond.

"Really?! Nothing! Blowing up on a girl that loves you and calling her a slut is totally nothing!" He shouts.

"Love me?! You sure about that Nash?! She doesn't love me. She never did!" I reply.

"Are you blind, hayes? Are you? Because you cant see that she loves you. You're her happiness. And she cant be happy right now because you hate her!" He screams.

"You need to talk to her. Nothing's gonna get better unless you make it better," he suggests.



I walk out of the house closing the door behind me. Where is she?

Should I even go to her? I can just go hangout with some friends and then come back telling Nash I saw her.

No. Hayes you need to do this.

I pull out my phone. I tap Olivia's contact and stare at it for a few seconds.

I hit call and I hear ringing.

•Olivia Pov•

Bzzzz bzzzz bzzzz

I look down on my phone to see who's calling.


What? He's calling me?

I hit answer and hold the phone up to my ear. "H-hello?"

"Olivia, we need to talk. Meet me at the park we used to go to a few years ago," he says and then hangs up.

Talk. It's gonna be more of us yelling at each other. "MOM!"

"Yes, sweetie?" My mom responds.

"Can I go to the park?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure. Just be careful. Here's 20 bucks just invade you he hungry," mom answers.

"Okay, thanks," i reply and walk out of the hotel.

I guess I'm walking.


He's right there. He's on the bench on his phone.

Is this a good idea?

I slowly walk over to him and he lifts his head up.

"You made it," he says bluntly.

"Don't sound so happy to see me," I say looking at my shoes.

"Sit," he demands.

"I'm not a slave. Don't tell me what to do," i snap at him.

"Whatever. Stand then," he says annoyed.

"You know what hayes? If you didn't want to talk to me then why did you ask me to? You're such a dick you know that?!" I yell.

"I was forced to call you here. We were supposed to talk about our problems," he says.

Forced. He was forced to tell to me. He doesn't want me. He will never want me again.

"Fine. Then just tell Nash that we talked. And we're fine. I don't fucking care what you say to him. Because I'm done. I'm done trying. You hate me and never will love or trust me the same again," i say.

He smiles.

"Good because you don't need me. I don't need you either. So lets just keep it that way," he whispers smiling.

"I don't need you? Really? Because you were my everything. No you are still my everything. I'm miserable without you but I guess I'll have to get over it," I say.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

"Everything? I was your everything? I'm sorry. I really am. I was just mad. Maybe we can work things out tomorrow?" He questions.

What. He changed his mind just like that.

"Uh..umm, yeah, okay," i whisper.

•Hayes Pov•

"Okay, so tomorrow at 2 meet me here?" I ask with a devilish smile on my face.

"Yeah, sure," she says puzzled.


I walk into my room and collapse onto my bed.

Tomorrow in gonna "fall in love" with her. And after a month I'm gonna break her little precious heart.

She will finally understand how i felt.

My door flings open and I see Nash. "What the hell Nash?! Stop going into my room without asking!" I demand and he laughs.

"How was it?" He asks.

"Fine. I'm gonna see her tomorrow and we're gonna talk about it,"

"Mhmm. Good," he says and then walks out of my room.

I cant wait till tomorrow.

I quickly grab my phone out of my back pocket.

I need to call someone. An old friend.


"Hello?" She says.

"Hey, it's hayes. She's back. And I need help with breaking her heart."

"I'll be there in five minutes."


Yikes. She has something coming out for her.

Do you guys want them to go back together? Because I think I have an idea of some things.

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