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Jared's POV

I ran as fast as I could to Emily's and when I got there I was in such shock to see what was happening. Carlos was standing out in the road with Jacob's neck in his hand. He was strangling him and yet Jacob hadn't phased. I growled at him and the second he looked at me I ran into the air and phased mid jump. I landed right on Carlos causing him to let his grip on Jacob loosen. As Jacob free'd himself he phased as fast as possible to help me fight Carlos who now was riding me like a bull. There was no sign of everyone else. No thoughts. Only sign of the Cullens was there stench.

'Jacob where is everyone?' I asked him

'Inside, Jane's got little Luna as hostage. They're trying to devise a plan to save her. Edward's even tried to get to her but Jane's powers aren't helping.' He said to me.

I growled at the thought of Emily and Sam's only child being in such danger. I started to shake insanely and before I knew it I had Carlos by the throat.


I said before snapping his head off. I threw the rest of his body over to Jake and watched as he ripped his limbs off piece after piece.

'good job' Jacob said to me as he set the limbs on fire.

I nodded and ran into the house to help the others.

Ave's POV

"Seth tell me whats going on?" I begged practically crying.

"I'm sorry I can't!" He yelled at me as he walked across the room with his hands in the air. 

"Don't you yell at her!" Paul yelled back at Seth as he held him by the collar of his shirt.

"Paul! You're awake!" I yelled excitedly as I ran to him. I hugged him tightly as he wrapped his arms around me. He held me close as tears ran down my face.

"It's going to be okay, you don't have to cry." He whispered into my ear as he stroked my hair.

"How do you know that?" I asked him in an aggressive tone pushing him away from me. "Everyone is over at Emily's even the Cullen's! theres got to be something bad happening!" I yelled as I ran toward the window. I saw smoke over the trees from a mile or two away. "Theres a fire Paul! Somethings burning! What if it's Emily's house?" I cried out.

"Ave calm down please, I don't like seeing you like this." Paul said to me as he rubbed my shoulders. I tried to calm myself but when I heard a wolf howl I lost it.

"I can't just sit here and wait to find out whats happening!" I yelled at Paul and Seth as I pulled myself away from him. "I'm going to find out whats happening, and you can't stop me!" I yelled at them as I ran out the door.

I could tell they were chasing me the second I hit the pavement and before I even got to the end of the street Paul already had me in his arms bridal style with me crying into his chest. Both him and Seth were running in super wolf speed and I could feel the wind hit me with every step they took.

Before I knew it we were on Emily's street. I could see her house from a distance and a small fire burning on the front lawn. The Cullen's cars were all parked outside randomly and I could hear things being thrown from inside the house. Jacob appeared out of no where in nothing but cutoffs.

"What is she doing here?" He yelled running toward us. "Get her home NOW!" He yelled out in a commanding voice. Paul set me down on the road as Jacob ran closer.

"Jacob," I said in a low voice. "I need to know whats happening." I said with tears in my eyes. He looked at me with saddened eyes then turned back to the fire.

"Carlos was turned, and thats him in the fire." He said to me honestly. 

"He what!?" I asked shocked "Who turned him?" I asked "Was it the Cullens?" I asked again wanting to know the answer. 

"No, it was Alec's sister Jane," He said to me in a serious voice.

"Alec..." I said back in a slight whisper. I drifted off into space remembering all the pain he's caused me and now even with him dead he's still causing me more pain.

"Enough explaining, Seth I need you inside now." He said to him. Seth quickly ran into the house and I heard several growls.

"Wait, Whats going on inside?" I asked. "And where's Jane?" I asked scared as I looked around me.

"Paul, I can't tell her." He said to Paul in a whisper thinking I wouldn't hear. But I did.

"Can't tell me what?" I asked while getting in between them acting more annoyed that my earlier questions were ignored.

Jacob just rolled his eyes and turned to me. "Ave, I'm sorry but Jane is inside the house with Luna as hostage." he said to me. "And she want's you in exchange."

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