Coming home to a not so good surprise

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I'm finally going home. I didn't really stay at this rehab place too long so I didn't really have anything to take back home with me. I waited outside the building on a bench for Jacob to pick me up. I sat there messing with the ends of my hair when I heard a car honk at me. I looked up and it was Jacob in his little red car. I ran quickly over to him as he got out of the car. I jumped into his arms so excited that I would be going back home to see Paul. I jumped in the passenger seat and we drove off.

Last night after Jacob had left all I could think of was Paul. My teenaged roommate even asked me why I was so happy all of a sudden. I told her about Paul and how sweet he is, I didn't mention the wolfy stuff though. I enjoyed talking about Paul to someone other than Jacob or Emily. I need to find some girl friends to talk to.

Before I had left the other hospital Edward Cullen's fiancé Bella had talked with me a bit. She tried to be like a therapist for me so I could talk about all the supernatural crap. She was a pretty nice girl and we got along pretty good. Maybe we could be friends.

I stared at the window of the car just thinking about life as we drove past miles of trees. I knew I would be home soon since we passed the sign that says 'Welcome to Forks'. I smiled as we drove by a river near the forest that lead to the beach. We were getting closer. As we drove further into the long road with miles of forest on each side I noticed a few wolfs running next to us on the left side. I stuck my head out of the sun roof and waved at them. I heard a howl and I smiled. I knew it was the pack. Pretty easy to tell its them since they are huge. As we drove into the res the wolfs disappeared. As we drove past the beach and a few houses I noticed a few shirtless guys cliff diving. They were in cutoff jeans so I knew they were the either part of the pack too or they were the ones that were running next to us. I smiled as we pulled into my drive way. As I got out of the car I looked over into Paul's yard. The trash can filled with garbage, the grass growing insanely, his truck was covered in mud. I guess he hasn't been in the mood to do any cleaning or yard work.

I ran up to the porch and as I unlocked the door Jacob stopped me from turning the knob.

"What the hell Jake? Can't I go in my own house?" I asked.

"Yeah, well I just wanted to warn you before you go in there." he said with a serious tone.

"Warn me about?" I asked.

"Uh well, the guys and I we needed to keep an eye on your house to make sure it wouldn't get robbed while you were gone and we also had to keep an eye on Paul too. So we kinda brought Paul here and we spent a few nights here. Well long story short, your house is a mess and Paul in laying in your bed crying over you." He said.

My heart sunk when he said Paul had been crying, and in my bed! I snapped back to reality when I remembered he said they had left my house a mess. I took a deep breath as I slowly turned the door knob. I closed my eyes as I opened the door. As soon as I felt the door was completely open I stepped in and it felt like I stepped in a puddle of something. I slowly turned my head down and opened my eyes.

"Ewww!" I yelled as I saw what looked like molded pudding. "Jacob!" I yelled as I turned around.

"Sorry, we kinda had a pudding fight last night." He said in a half serious half laughing tone.

"Why would you have a pudding fight?" I asked in a serious tone.

"Uh, well I was just eating my pudding normally when out of no where the pudding slipped out of my cup into Seth's face." He said with a smile.

"Oh, so you have magic pudding?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yup, now let's go check on Paul." He said as he walked toward my bedroom.

"Fine..." I said. I felt my body go limp as he opened my bedroom door.

There he was, my Paul, laying there in my bed face down. The covers all on the floor and pillows scattered everywhere. Jacob walked over to the bed and started to shake Paul. He was asleep. I saw him slowly lift his head and cuss at Jacob for waking him. Jacob pointed in my direction and Paul turned his head to look at me. I smiled at him and our eyes met he smiled at me. I ran to his side and hugged him. I was so happy to be back with him even though I was still pretty upset.
He wrapped his arms around me as he sat up in the bed. I put my arms around his neck as he put his around my waist. He held me close and laid his head on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and let it out as I took in his scent.

"I missed you..." I whispered in his ear.

"I missed you too" He said back. "I hope you'll forgive me soon." He said.

"I'm still pretty upset, but I'll forgive you soon don't worry." I said. He pulled away and we looked at each other for a second before he leaned in for a kiss. I put my finger up to his lips to stop him. He looked at me and frowned.

"Whats wrong?" He asked in a sad tone.

"I want to hear what you have to say to me before we do anything." I said back. I pulled away from him and we sat on the edge of my bed. I looked over to the corner of my room and Jacob was still here. I pointed to him and then the door and he got the idea that I wanted him to leave. As he left the room he shut the door behind him.

"Okay now tell me." I said with a smile.

"Sure, but first, you have to promise me that this" He said as he pointed to my wrists. "Won't ever happen again, please don't do it again." He said in a serious voice. I frowned as I looked down at my old scars. I looked up and back at him. He pointed to the window and I noticed there was still blood there from the incident.

"Okay," I said in an upset voice, "I won't do it ever again." I said in a much more positive tone.

"Promise?" He asked with a smile.

"I promise." I said back to him.

"Okay, now where do I begin." He said as he rubbed his chin covered in hair. I had never seen him with a beard or mustache. I guess he hasn't been shaving.

"Well begin soon cause I can't wait any longer!" I said excitedly. "This is something good though, right?" i asked

"Of course its something good. Something very good." He said as he held my hands. I smiled at him and he just smiled back as he squeezed my hands.

"Well you know about the shapeshifting and legends right?" He asked. I looked at him with a confused look.

"Yeah? Emily told me a few things about your legends but she didn't cover everything. She mostly just talked about the shapeshifting wolfs and vampires nothing else." I said.

"Oh, um what about imprinting?" He asked.

"Imprinting? I don't think she mentioned that. What is it?" I asked.

"Well its this thing that happens to shapeshifters, it was told this was rare but not so much anymore. It's kind of like love at first sight for them except way stronger. When you see her, its like nothing else matters, you'll do anything for her, be anything for her, a friend, a brother, a lover. When you first look in her eyes it's not gravity holding you back down on earth its her. She's everything to a shapeshifter." He said as he looked deeply into my eyes not once looking away.

"Wow, that sounds beautiful." I said. "So what does this have to do with me?" I asked curiously.

"Well, Ave..." He said as he rubbed my hands. "I imprinted on you."

I quickly pulled my hands away and held them close to my chest. I just stared at him with a blank expression. I saw the sadden look in his eyes. I can't believe this. He imprinted on me. When? how? why? This is just too much for me.

"I knew I shouldn't have told you, I'm sorry. I take it back, forget I even said it." He said as he ran out of my room. I sat there on the edge of the bed just staring at the doorway. I saw Jacob run out the house and a heard a few howls seconds later.

I threw myself back into the bed and curled up to my pillow. I quickly threw it at the wall after having smelt Paul's scent on it. His scent was all over in my room. I quickly stripped the bed of the sheets and laid back down. It was no use, it still had his scent. I laid there curled up in a ball with my eyes closed. I didn't cry, I didn't yell. I just laid there thinking.

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