Multi POV

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Jacob's POV

I still can't believe all of this. I never in my life thought Paul would imrpint on someone after having broken up with my sister. Ave is such a great person when you see past all of the abuse and cutting. But this type of life isn't for a person like her. But I guess the spirits saw that this was a good idea or else Paul wouldn't of imprinted on her. Paul needs to relax and be patient with her. If I were in her situation I probably would of acted the same way.

Ugh I need to follow Paul to make sure he goes to Sam's and not anywhere else. I'll just phase back to human and follow him so he knows I'm not a threat. Damn I need to pack some shoes or something, I think I stepped on a broken beer bottle.

"Paul!" I yelled out when I saw him jump over the river. He turned around and phased.

"What?" He yelled back

"Quick question, did she looked upset when you left?" I asked.

"Uh, I don't remember." He said.

"Well phase back and tell Seth to go watch her. I'm starting to have some bad feelings about having left her alone." I said to him. He nodded and quickly phased, I saw him howl and soon I heard Seth's howl.

I followed Paul all the way to Sam's house through the trees and as we reached his house I saw Emily lounging on a porch chair. She had her hands on her large belly. The tribe elders said because its an Alpha having a baby with his imprint that its likely the baby will grow at a rapid rate and be born early. That's probably why she almost had the baby the other day. As Paul and I got closer to the house we grabbed a pair of shorts Emily had put away near some of the trees. As soon as I had my shorts on I ran up to Emily and gave her a hug. Paul was just steps behind me. He gave Emily a hug and we walked into the living room.

As I sat down on the couch, Paul started to pace around the room.

"Whats up?" I asked

"Thinking," he said. "I need your help. I know right now its too soon to go after Ave after all thats happened. But I need your help to surprise her and get her to want to be with me." he said in a serious tone as he faced me.

"Paul I understand you want to be with her, but you have to give her time. Just try to be friends with her for now. Work up to being more than friends when she's ready." I said.

"But... that means I'll have to start over. I finally got her to open up a bit and now I have to do it again. This sucks! I just wish it were easier to get her to love me." He said as he laid on the living room floor staring at the cieling.

He looks so messed up. I'm glad I haven't imprinted yet. I kind of hope I don't ever imprint. It looks so stressful. Worrying about wether your imprint wants you, worrying that they are gonna get hurt if you leave them. I feel like I've imprinted several times already because of the guys. Seeing how they feel through their thoughts is overwhelming. I feel extra bad for Quil cause he has to worry about Claire being taken away and then waiting for her to grow up to actually be with her the way the others are with their girls. Imprinting sounds like a pain in the ass.

Seth's POV

I can't believe they left her alone after what Paul told her. I hope she's okay. I don't hear anything, no vampire scent, just Paul's scent. As I walked into the house thats when I realized how bad we trashed her house. I feel bad about it now even though back when the mess happened it was fun.
No sign of Ave in the living room or kitchen. I guess she's in her room. As I walked toward her open bedroom door I noticed her bed sheets were all over the floor, pillows scattered everywhere. The bed empty of everything, still no Ave. Her clothes are all on the floor. Maybe she's in the shower?

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