The Chase

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Last night was so exciting, Emily's babyshower went so great and the after party at the beach was the most fun I've had in a long time. Paul and I even started to get close again. I don't know if its the imprint thats doing it or its just us. But I still don't feel as comfortable being with him in the way that he wants. I don't know if I can be his girlfriend any time soon or ever. We'll just see what happens in the next few days.

It was Monday morning and I was heading back to work at the housing office. Summer was coming closer and closer and it was getting warm out. I dressed in a light sweater and some skinny jeans. I did the usual routine. File a bunch of papers, make copies and answer the phone. At the end of the work day I decided to head out to the learning center to help with the art classes.

As I was walking out of the office I sensed that I was being watched. I turned quickly to the forest to look for any suspicious red eyes. Nothing, yet I still felt it. I slowly walked to the other side of the street where the learning center stood. Kids were running around with sketch books in their hands and colored pencils. As I walked into the building I noticed a familiar face. Not friendly one though. It was Carlos.

"Hey beautiful!" He said to me as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I tried to push his arm off but he just held on tighter.

"Get off of me Carlos, I told you yesterday it was over." I whisper yelled to him so none of the kids would hear. I finally pushed him off enough to walk away. But seconds later I felt his grip on my arm. "Ouch! Let go!" I yelled. All the kids turned to look at me and started to run over to watch. One of the children even tried to kick Carlos so he would let go.

"Beat it kid!" he yelled. Seconds later someone ran into the building. It was Seth. Boy was I happy to see him.

"Stop bothering her!" He yelled to Carlos as he made his way toward us.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Carlos said to him. Seths face started to scrunch up and places his hand over Carlos' arm.

"This..." is all Seth said before he threw Carlos across the room into the wall knocking down several books off a shelf. All the children jumped and ran out of the building. I guess they knew trouble was coming. Carlos stumbled up off the floor and ran toward Seth swinging at him. But before his fist reached Seths face he was able to stop him. "Ave run!" Seth yelled toward me.

I quickly ran out of the building toward home but then instinct got to me so I ran to Paul's house instead. I knocked on the door several times until someone opened the door. It was a tired looking Jacob. The second he saw the scared look on my face he woke up.

"Whats wrong?" He asked in a rush as he let me inside.

"Carlos... was waiting for me at... the learning center." I said while panting trying to catch my breath. "Seth saved me. I don't know what he would of done to me if Seth hadn't showed up." I said slowly as I sat down on the couch in the living room. "I think you should go check on Seth and the kids from the learning center. The kids were pretty scared since Seth threw Carlos across the room." I said to Jacob as I watched him slip on his shoes and a random shirt.

"I'll be back soon. Don't leave the house unless one of us says so. Embry is asleep in the other room, the others are on patrol and might be back later. Help yourself to some food or anything you need." He said as he ran out the door toward the learning center. I hope all the kids went home and are safe.

Carlos POV

What the hell is this kid made of? Was he born with steriods in his blood or what? He broke my damn legs and now I'm stuck out here in the damn forest.

crack... snap...

"What was that?" I said to myself as I turned to look behind me. Nothing, I turned to look forward again where a soirt figure was standing in front of me.

"SHIT!" I said scared to death as I looked into the womens eyes. They were blood red, her skin pale white, her hair bleach blonde and she was in a black cloak like outfit. Her face was beautiful.

"Hello," She said as she walked forward.

"Who are you?" I asked scared pushing myself back into a tree.

"Don't you worry about what my name is, but what I'm about to do to you." She said in a devilish tone. I freaked out and tried to lift myself up completely forgetting that my legs were broken.

"ARGHH!" I yelled in pain. The pale women was quickly at my side running her cold fingers over my bloodied broken legs. She licked one finger and smiled at me. I knew then I was dead. She was gonna kill me. "Help!" I yelled in fear. "Hel..." I tried to yell again but she covered my mouth with her hand.

"Hush! Now this will only hurt for a few days..." She said with a slight laugh as she bent my neck to the side, the next thing I knew she plunged her teeth into my throat and I felt a terrible burning sensation as I yelled for help again...


"Embry!" I called.

"Yeah?" He asked running out of his room.

"I think I heard someone screaming for help." I said as I looked out the back window.

"Really? I didn't hear anything." He said looked out with me.

"I swear I heard something." I said pacing around the living room.

"Maybe it was just some kids playing." He said as he turned the tv on.

"Maybe you're right." I said as I sat next to him on the couch.


"Seth you alright?" I asked as I ran towards him.

"Yeah I'm fine, but I don't think Carlos is." He said running toward the forest.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I went pretty nuts, I think I might of broken his legs. He really ticked me off he was hurting Ave. I tossed him into the forest." he said as I followed him. "I think he might of landed over here." He said looking around the trees.

I sniffed the area and the bitter scent of a leach was around. I growled and Seth noticed. I looked around for any signs or foot prints but nothing. Except something that looked like fresh blood on the ground. I bent down and took in the scent. It was definitely Carlos.

"Well a leach got him. Not sure if we should go looking for him or go kill the leach first." I said to Seth who was now in wolf form. He nodded to me and I quickly phased. We ran our way to Sam's to see what he had to say. The others were still on patrol and were close by. We explained to them what happened and they all said that found the same leach scent around the borders of the treaty line. Who's ever gotten Carlos they haven't killed him yet. There was blood on every scene. Blood that belonged to Carlos.'

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