The party and after party

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The moment Emily pushed the gate open we all yelled 'Surprise' a shocked yet excited smile spread across her face as she looked at all of us. Sam was not far behind holding the baby as he feed her with a bottle. We all ran toward Emily giving her hugs and kisses as she thanked us for the surprise. Leah took the baby from Sam as the entire pack sprayed silly string at him and the kids tossed their confetti.

After minutes of thankful hugs Emily got settled into her special chair we had set up for her and the baby. It was in the center of the yard surrounded by dozens of gifts. We started off the baby shower by serving the food. Rachel, Leah, Alice and Bella were all busy setting up the games while Rosalie and I were busy watching little baby Luna(my name for her). She was the most precious baby I had ever seen. Sure once I had my first baby then they would be the most precious but this little girl was deep in my heart and would never leave.

As I sat across the yard watching the girls play a babyshower game involving bananas I noticed eyes staring at me from my left. I turned to face Paul, he was dressed in light blue button up shirt and some long worn out jeans and sneakers. As he made his way over to me I could feel my heart racing. My palms were getting sweaty and I had no idea what to say to him once he got closer. I just sat there smiling like an idiot as he bent down to meet my eyes. He smiled at me as he took my clothes pin that I had pinned to my dress.

"Damn," I whispered to myself as I uncrossed my legs making Paul laugh. I'd lost my only pin.(its a game, u get a clothes pin, if you cross your legs or anything and someone sees they can take the pin away, once your pin is gone you're out, by the end of the party whoever has the most pins wins a prize. aka something cheesy like a picture frame)

"Don't worry, if I win we can share the prize." He said with a wink as he sat down next to me. I noticed he had several pins on his shirt. No doubt he was gonna win, but then again he wouldn't like the prize. I picked it out thinking only women would be into the games. I had picked out a fancy perfume the scent of babypowder.

"Thanks," is all I could say. I had never felt so shy and nervous in my life. Especially around someone I've known for a while now. I guess I have to get use to being around him again.

As I turned back to the games I realized Paul was still staring at me. I felt myself blush and look the opposite way so he wouldn't see. It was no use, Paul put his hand on my chin turning my head to face him.

"Why are you blushing?" He asked with smile letting go of my face. "Don't tell me you're still nervous around me?" He asked with a laugh. I looked away and smiled to myself thinking how terribly red my face must look.

"I guess I just need to get use to being around you again." I said as I looked back up at his eyes. I felt his gaze take a hold on me. It felt like were sitting there staring at eachother for hours when in reality it was only seconds. We immediately snapped out of it when Leah and Alice waved a couple of baby dolls in our faces.

"It's time to play the blind folded dress up game!" Alice said excitedly tossing me the nude baby doll.

"Alright!" I said excitedly grabbing Paul's hand leading him to the blanket on the grass where the others were on their knees waiting.

Paul, Sam, Jared and Seth were to be blind folded while Emily, Leah, Rachel and I were to hand them each item as they dressed the babies. Alice was ready to start the second the last blindfold was tied. The guys were in their ready positions and once Alice yelled go we started to toss them the clothes. First the guys had to put diapers on the baby which would be pretty easy if you already knew how. Which Sam was already a pro at, but the others not so quite. Paul was having a hard time strapping the diaper on, while Seth was jokingly putting the diaper on the wrong end and Jared was just clueless. The second Paul had the diaper on I handed him the pink onesie, he was starting to catch up to Sam but he already had the socks on. I face palmed myself as I watched Paul put the onesie on backwards. It was insanly hilarious. By the end of the game it was clear that Sam had one. Paul was in second and Seth and Jared were just no where near complete. Their babies had missing socks, no bib, and I think Jared had completly skipped the whole diaper thing.

The rest of the party went on smoothly with several hilarious games involving the pack. The night winded down and the party ended with the sunset. Emily and Sam had just left with little Luna when Jared and Paul suggested we all go cliff diving. The Cullen's weren't too into the idea so they left leaving behind several large gifts that were to be sent to Emily's house in the morning. Rachel had also declined seeing as she had to get back to Claire who was with only other girl who stayed behind was Leah. She was already running around my front yard in her bikini waiting on everyone so we could leave.

I quickly slipped on my new bikini I had bought a while back, a strapless hot pink two piece. The moment I walked out the house all eyes were on me. I was pretty shocked as I was almost never the center of attention. As I made my way down the drive way Paul walked up to me offered to hold my bag. As I handed him my bag I quickly sprinted toward the beach.

"RACE YOU!" I yelled to everyone who I had left behind. I ran as fast as I could to the beach but before I was even half way Paul was running right past me. Then one by one the rest of the pack zoomed past me. "No fair!" I yelled at them as they all hit the water. Except for Paul who now running now toward me. Before I could try to run away he picked me up bridal style and ran back toward the beach but made a sharp turn toward the high cliffs. As we got closer to the edge all I could hear was Paul's screams of excitement.

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