Babyshower surprise

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Ave's POV

It's the day of Emily's babyshower. Her late babyshower. Usually these are done before the baby arrives, but that doesn't mean she can't have one since she's here early. While Sam and Emily spent days locked up in their house enjoying there little bundle of joy, Leah, Rachel and I have been planning a surprise babyshower. They have no idea whats going on. We were going to let the guys help out but since they can read minds when they are in wolf form we didn't want them to accidentally spill the beans to Sam without knowing. Even though Leah knows about the babyshower she hasn't phased in a while so there was no need to hide it from her, especially since she's really excited about the baby. So it's just us girls here decorating and cooking the food for the party. We got some of the women from the tribe to make up some games for the party, then a few of the other women went shopping for gifts. Emily and Sam need as many things as they can get. They hadn't done much shopping for the baby but they did have the babies room painted with a crib in the corner. Paul had actually been helping paint the room the day Emily went to the hospital.

The party starts in half an hour. The guests will be arriving soon and in an hour Emily will be here. The food is ready and room is decorated and ready. We're having the party at my house since my backyard is pretty big. We have several tables set up with dozens of chairs. A ton of pink balloons floating around, white and pink table covers and ribbons tied to the chairs. Rachel and Leah wipped up Emily's favorite foods, roasted potatoes, grilled chicken with a side of grilled asparagus with cheese. For the kids fried chicken fingers and fries that my mother used to make for me when I was little. For desert a specially made chocolate cake in the shape of a bottle and a stack of diapers.

We were all inside touching up our makeup and fixing our sundresses when we heard a knock on the door. I ran as quick as I could and when I opened the door I saw a familiar face. Carlos.

"What are you doing here?" I asked shocked. I had recently called Carlos telling him it was over between us. He ruined it when he refused to let me go to the hospital to see Emily. He was being a selfish jerk and I couldn't stand it.

"I'm here to get you back." He said as he got down on one knee and pulled out a small black box.

"Will you marry me?" He asked as he slowly opened the box revealing a large diamond on a gold band.

"What the hell?" I yelled. Leah and Rachel quickly ran to my side to see whats up.

"What the hell are you doing here Carlos?" Leah asked in a bitchy tone. "You know she's not yours anymore. She doesn't want you, now leave." She said as she pointed out the door.

"This isn't any of your business, now get the fuck out of my girls house!" He yelled madly as he moved in closer toward Leah. I could already sense her phasing and ripping his head off. Rachel quickly stood in between them and pulled Leah as far away as she could.

"You should really leave before she gets madder." I said to Carlos as he angerily stared at Leah.

"Not until you answer my question." He said in a deep voice.

"Fine, no I won't marry you now get the hell out before I call the cops." I said in a serious tone.

"Whatever I don't need you anyway. I've got girls calling me up all the time!" He said in cocky tone as he walked backwards out the door with his hands up.

I just stood there and rolled my eyes waiting for him to go away. The second I saw his car speed away I went to go check on Leah. Rachel had taken her out to the back yard to calm her down. She was alot calmer and looked to be in a better mood.

Minutes later lots of guested started to arrive. I decided to go out and get the guys and bring them to the party. Still no car so I had to walk. I didn't have to go far since they were all now living at Pauls which was just next door. As I walked up the stairs I could already hear the loud laughs and rock music playing. I guess they were having their own party. I knocked on the door twice hoping they would hear. The door opened immidiatly and it was Seth, he had a red cup in one hand and a pizza slice in the other.

"What's up Ave?" He said as he let me in.

"Nothing much just having a party." I said with a smile.

"Wow us too." He said jokingly.

"No really we're having a party next door. I came to tell you guys." I said as I took a seat on the couch. The others must be in the kitchen, the living room is pretty empty.

"Are you serious? I'll go tell the guys!" He said excitedly. I grabbed a hold of him by the shoulders before he could run off.

"It's a babyshower, so you've gotta dress nice. No cut off shorts and you need to have shirts and shoes on." I said to him as he turned to look at me.

"Damn serious? Who's babyshower? Not yours I hope." He said jokingly as he looked at my belly. I just laughed at the thought of me being pregnant.

"No it's Emily's. She never got a babyshower so we're throwing her a surprise babyshower. Theres a ton of people already over at my place, we're just waiting on Emily and Sam. We didn't tell you guys sooner cause we didn't want to ruin the surprise for Sam. You know with your mind reading."

"Ohh! Well let me tell the guys, we'll be over in a bit." He said with a smile.

"Don't be late, they'll be here soon." I yelled out as I walked out the door. I ran quickly back to the house and the second I got there I saw the Cullens. Well the Cullen women anyways. They were all dressed in floral sundresses and super tall heels. Except for Bella she was dressed a bit more casual with a pair of sneakers.

I greeted everyone and when the guys finally arrived I decided to call Sam and Emily. I acted like I was inviting them over for dinner. They said they would be over in a few. The moment I hung up we all got in position to surprise them. I left a note on the front door telling them to go to the back yard and we all waited patiently. I was so excited I couldn't hold my joyful screams in. Alice was by my side telling me they were already on the road to my house. Seconds later we all heard a car pull up the drive way. We all got ready, the kids with confetti in their hands and the guys with silly string to spray Sam with.

I could see Emily walking up to the gate to my backyard.

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