Scared, secrets, suicidal?

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It's been two and a half days since I left the house. Feeling so bummed out that I haven't even bothered to eat or shower. Seth had come by yesterday leaving a note on the door saying him everyone else would be busy for the day and that they couldn't take me to the store until the weekend. I didn't mind. I'm not in the mood to go anywhere anyways. I had planned on calling Emily to thank her for everything but I don't have a phone line just yet. I'm not too sure if she lives around here or if she's at the office or not. I'm definitely not leaving this house to find her anyways. Ugh! why do I feel so sucky! I wish my sister were here.

5 hours later

I'm still laying here in bed not moving not bothering to shower or eat. Like there's anything to eat here anyways.

*knock knock knock*

Who the hell is that? I thought as I got up from bed and made my way to the front door. I looked through the peep-hole and it was Seth with Quil and Embry.
I'm not too sure if I should open the door. I grab the door knob and hesitate to open it. I slowly back away for a second.

"I know you're home! Open the door before we knock it down." I walk away a bit more. I hear another knock. "Come on please open the door Ave!" I walk back to the door and unlock it slowly. I hold onto the door knob but before I could turn it someone on the other end was already pushing the door forward. I back away as I see Seth on the other end. I grab my chest and start breathing erratically as Seth, Quil and Embry walk into the room. Seth runs over to my side holding me up so I don't fall but I slip to the floor. Oh no not another panic attack. Please don't take me to hospital.

"Ave are you okay!?" I here Quil asked as he and Embry hover over me while Seth fans my face.

"We gotta take her to the hospital!" Embry yelled. I felt my face go pale and my body go limp. Seth picked me up and held me in his arms as he carried me out the door. I gathered enough strength to raise my arm up to his face and speak.

"No... don't I'm fi-ine." I said slowly. They all looked at me as I tried to get Seth to put me down. I pushed him away and I was on my feet. They all held their hands up to me to make sure I wasn't going to fall. I took a deep breath and spoke again. "I'm fine guys, You just startled me a bit when you opened the door. " I said honestly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just a bit impatient. I wanted to see you already and you were just taking forever to open the door." Seth said with a laugh. I walked back up the porch and toward my door.

"Well you saw me, I'm going back to bed." I said as I started to close the door behind me. Before It was near half way closed Embry was holding the door keeping me from closing it.

"Ave, it's 4:30 in afternoon. Theres no way you're going back to bed." Embry said as he looked at me. He stared me up and down and made a face. "You don't look too good, are you sick?" he asked curiously.

"Yeah I'm sick now can I go back to bed?" I asked annoyed.

"Uh, no." Seth said as he and the others walked into the house. "We didn't see you come outside at all today or yesterday. Not even on the day we were busy did anyone see you outside. You've been in here way too long. Now that I think of it what have you been eating? Last time I was here you had nothing in your fridge." he said as he walked over to the kitchen and opened my fridge. I rolled my eyes as he walked back toward me. "Yup not a single crumb in your fridge." He said.

"Seth I'm fine, I just need rest." I lied. I don't wanna talk to anyone about this. No one. Except my sister.

"You're not fine. You look like you haven't eaten or drunken anything in days. You don't look like you've showered in days either. NO offense but you smell a little." Quil said honestly. I didn't care if I smelled or looked dirty. Just leave me alone! I rolled my eyes at them and sat on the floor and turned on my tv. Nothing but static, still no cable.

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