Tragic Day

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"MOM?" I asked in shock as she held me tighter. So tight it nearly hurt. Her body felt cold, freezing. I could fill my shirt getting drenched in tears. "W-what are you doing here? How did you find me?" I asked. I pulled her toward the couch and sat her down. Her hands over her face still in tears. Something was different about her. She looked different but still the same. Her hair was a more vibrate dark brown color than it was before. Maybe she dyed it? Her skin looked like a much lighter shade of the olive tone we both shared. Maybe she's stayed away from the sun?

"Mom speak to me!" I said as I tried to pry her hands away from her face. She seemed a lot stronger. I stopped trying when she pulled away from me and curled up on the couch. Thats when I saw her clothes. She was wearing the very same lime green dress that she had on the day I left. Her dress was torn and covered in something that had dried long ago. It looked a lot like blood.

"Mom please tell me what happened!" I yelled moving closer to her trying to find any random wounds. Nothing. But there was a silver crescent moon shaped scar on her neck. I could barely see it so I moved her hair away. I touched it and it felt colder than the rest of her. "Mom whats this on your neck?" I asked in a slight whisper. She kept on sobbing and sobbing.

"H-he's... he's coming." She as she cried.

"Who's coming?" I asked. She slowly moved her hands away from her face. And I saw her eyes. They were a golden brown, nothing like her normal dark brown eyes. "MOM! What happened to your eyes?" I asked in shock. She looked away covering her face once again. "What happened?" I asked

"He, did this to me." She said as she sobbed even more.

"Who? WHO IS HE?" I yelled. I heard a few footsteps and didn't bother to look.

"Your fiancé!" She yelled back at me. I stood there in shock. How could he do this to her. He told me her wouldn't hurt my family. Then suddenly I heard something drop to the floor behind me. I quickly turned around to face the doorway. It was Paul, he had dropped a flower bouquet.

"You have a fiance?" He asked in a whisper. His face in shock I just nodded a yes. He fell to the ground on his knees and started to cry. How can such a big strong man cry? I saw him lift his head a bit and I heard a growl come from him. His face enraged he growled again. He slowly stood up his hands in fists and his muscles bulging. He started to shake and it sounded like his bones were cracking. He slowly turned around and ran into the forest. I tried to run after him but my mother stopped me. She pulled me away so quickly it felt like she had thrown me across the room.

What is going on? I stood there in shock of what my mother had become. And at how Paul reacted to finding out I had a fiance. My mother quickly ran to the door and locked it. She was fast. She ran back to me and I swear it took less than half a second. She touched my face with her now hard cold hand.

"Mom..." I burst into tears falling in her arms. "Why is he coming?" I asked her.

"He said he wants you back. Hes not taking no for an answer. He's marrying you no matter what." she said.

I looked up at her and touched her face. "How did this happen?" I asked while moving my hand over to her scar.

"After you left, he... He got mad, he killed your father..." She started to tear up and as I wiped her tears away she spoke again. "Then after he made me watch he came after me, I tried to run, but it was no use. He cornered me but as he plunged his teeth into my neck there were sirens outside. The neighbors had called the police after hearing all the commotion. He pulled his teeth out and grabbed me and we ran. He threw me out in the woods to die. But I survived. After days in pain, I realized I had become what he was. I couldn't stand what I was. I was so upset with myself that I tried to kill myself. Nothing worked. I shot myself several times, I tried to stab myself but nothing. No blood came out I felt no pain. I knew he was going to try and find you. So I went looking for him. I found him in his house with a few bodies laying around. He offered me a drink but I refused. I didn't want to be like him. We got in a fight after he found out I was trying to find you to protect you from him. He almost killed me. How bad I wish he did but I knew I had to survive so I could save you. I through him into a wall to distract him and I ran." She said as she touched my face. I felt tears stream down my face as she smiled at me. Knowing all this just made me want to cry. She started to speak again about how she ended up here. She found the emails sent to my old cell about the purchases I made on my fiances card. She called the credit card people and tracked me. Thats how she found me. She said she ran through the forest all the way here trying to stear clear of any humans. She said she had run into a group of others just like her. But different. They didn't drink human blood but animal blood. They taught her how to control her thirst in just a few days. They offered to let her stay in their home and to take their money and clothes but my mother wasn't the type to take things from people she didn't know. She had mentioned to them that she was looking for me. That she had an address to where I might be but she didn't know how to get there. She said one of the men there was to be married to a human girl and that she had friends who lived near by in the address she had. Her fiance offered to come speak with Emily to see if I was living here or if they had seen me. She said she didn't remember his full name but they called him Edward and his human fiance Bella. I remember him now. The man that had come to the office. Edward Cullen. That's how he knew my last name, and thats why he wanted to speak with Emily in person. If Sam knows about what they are then maybe thats why he said to stay inside and avoid speaking to anyone that looked like Edward. If it were him or my fiance. Everything makes since now. But not why he wants to come find me and marry me. Why would he want a fragile human like me? Maybe its the same reason why Edward is marrying a human.

As the night went on me and my mother stayed curled up on the couch together. I kept a blanket in between use to keep myself warm. The entire time I wondered what Paul was doing. If I had hurt him so badly. Maybe he hates me. Maybe he doesn't want to see me anymore. It would be for the best anyways, I would either be married to a vampire soon or killed by one. Maybe he might even turn me. But I wouldn't want that life. An internal life without death is not what I want. Hopefully he just kills me so I can be with my sister. I quickly fell asleep in my mothers arms as we both laid there. I knew she wouldn't sleep. Vampires don't need it. She would be up all night keeping an eye out for my fiance.

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