Chapter Four

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"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." – Ephesians 4:2

"Tammy, pass the orange juice."

Alana sighed when her little sister blatantly ignored her and continued raving about their surf session yesterday. Tammy was kneeling on the edge of her chair, waving her fork wildly between two fingers. Her eyes glowed with delight. "You should have seen it!" she gushed to Dylan, who was busy buttering his toast. "The wave was way over my head!"

"Tammy," Alana tried again.

"When I took the drop, I thought I wasn't going to make it because it was so steep!"

Alana spoke through gritted teeth. "Tammy."

"You should have been there, Dylan," Tammy exclaimed. Dylan merely grunted and took a bite of toast, causing a thin stream of crumbs to fall into his lap.

"Fine," Alana muttered, abruptly pushing back her chair and standing up. She leaned across the table and grabbed the orange juice, nearly knocking Tammy's plate of eggs off the table. Then she plopped back down and poured herself a tall glass.

Tammy caught her plate just in time. "Watch it, Alana—you almost ruined my breakfast!"

"Did not," Alana retorted. "Besides, you were the one who kept ignoring me."

"I was telling a story to Dylan!"

"About that stupid wave you caught yesterday? It wasn't nearly overhead."

"It was too."

"You have a long way to go before you're ready to surf bigger waves," Alana said with a roll of her eyes. "Even Dylan knows that." She glanced across the table at their older brother, who was busy scarfing down the last of his toast.

"Hey," he said in between mouthfuls, "leave me out of this. I'm not getting in one of your lame sister fights."

Tammy didn't heed his warning. She launched right into an objection, pointing her fork at her sister accusingly. "Alana thinks I can't surf."

"Hey, I never said that!"

Tammy gave her a disapproving look and continued ranting to Dylan. He finally dropped his fork onto his plate and held his hands up, exasperated. "Girls! Is this really worth arguing over?"

Alana stared at her orange juice. Tammy started it, she thought.

Dylan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Sorry," he said, in a much quieter volume. "Tammy, I'm sure Alana didn't mean anything she said. Why don't you go upstairs and get changed? Alana will take you surfing in a few minutes."

"I what?" Alana shook her head. "Dylan—"

He glanced up and gave Alana a look that said, Don't argue. Then he gave Tammy a reassuring smile. "Does that sound good?" he asked her.

"Yeah," Tammy said quietly. She ate one last forkful of eggs before scooting her chair back and sprinting up to her bedroom, leaving the two older siblings alone in the kitchen.

"Gee, thanks for that," Alana muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. "Next time, can you not volunteer me to babysit?"

"You're not babysitting," Dylan corrected. "You're taking your sister surfing."

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