coffee shop customers (f)

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Eddie yawned as he handed a young lady her coffee, sinking down in the chair not far behind him after she left the store. Today in Starbucks it was hotter than usual, and Eddie had grabbed a wet rag from the counter, examining it first, and then wetting it nicely, folding it perfectly, and stroking it on his forehead.

He glanced at his watch, smiling a bit to see that his first shift would end in ten minutes. He looked around the store, and there was nobody in sight, except for a couple teens at a table of four, and an old couple by the table at the door.

He stood up in a dreadful passion as he heard the bell for the store chime, and he made his way to the counter, not yet looking up.

"I'll get a Trenti iced coffee, 12 pumps, and make sure that's sugar free, sugar-free vanilla, 12 pumps of sugar-free hazelnut, 12 pumps of sugar-free caramel, 5 pumps skinny mocha, a splash of soy, coffee to the star on the siren's head, ice, and double-blended!" She let out, and a gave her a confused look.

"Are you serious?" Eddie said quietly to myself, noticing another customer looking at the lady with same expression he had. Eddie coughed and looking at the lady, dramatically scared for his life. "Ok, so you want a Trenti iced coffee, sugar free vanilla, caramel..."

"No! What the heck is wrong with you?! I asked for sugar free vanilla, then sugar free hazelnut, then sugar free caramel!" She exclaimed, causing Eddie to flinch.

"So sorry, ma'am." He breathed in and out, hoping he wouldn't need his inhaler. The store was already hot, making him need it more, and seeing how stressed out he was, he was beginning to feel around for it.

"Would you mind repeating your order...?" Eddie asked quietly, pulling out his inhaler and hitting the trigger a few times.

"Yes! Yes, I would mind! I already said my order, but you were too busy with your damn inhaler-,"

The boy behind her moved next to her, glaring a bit. "Hey, let's not offend his asthma, that's taking things a little too far. And just saying, but if you wanted an obnoxious order like that, you should have ordered it online." He spoke, and Eddie stood awkwardly, holding his inhaler in his sixteen year old hand.

"I... I'm never coming back here! Never!" She yelled loudly, almost running out of the store, if she could with her plump figure, reminding Eddie of his own mother.

Eddie coughed awkwardly, across from the counter from the boy with glasses, who had saved his job, and probably his sanity.

"Thank you." Eddie said, smiling at Richie shyly.

"No problem, I'm Richie. Richie Tozier." He said, smirking and holding out his hand to shake. Eddie did so. "And you are... Lydia?" He looked confused, and Eddie laughed out loud for the first time that day.

"I'm new, and definitely not named Lydia." Eddie replied, and noticed he was waiting for his name. "I don't give my name to strangers." The small worker added, trying his best for it not to come out rude.

"When's your next break?" He asked, and Eddie glanced at my watch.

"In negative two minutes." Eddie answered, and he smiled, a smile Eddie would never forget, as he placed his Starbucks hat on the counter and stepped out of the store with the boy.

"Now will I get to know your name?" Richie asked, minutes later, outside of the store.

"Not yet," Eddie uttered, leaning against the wall.

"Fair enough. Can I at least ask you out to dinner?"

"You can."

a u t h o r s . n o t e
btw i'm going skiing on friday until the 31st so i'll try to write but idk if i'll be able to update often I WILL TRY

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