Chapter 14- Peaceful sleep

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Harry's P.O.V

Dray was taking quite a lomg while, so I decided to go ahead and look for him. I walked out of the ROR after getting Scorpius to sleep, and I walked through the halls until I heard someone cackling.

I ran towards the noise and saw just about the most horrific scene I could imagine.

Ginny had put Draco under The Cruciatus Curse.

I quickly pulled out my wand and pointed it at her. "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!" I shouted, lifting her up and throwing her against the wall, hopefully knocking her out.

I rushed over to Draco and he was silently sobbing, eyes glued shut in pain. I quickly scooped him up bridal style and ran to the hospital wing.

I heard and felt his breathing, it was very small and horrendously paced slowly, but he was breathing.

Then as soon as I bursted into the hospital wing, I felt his breathing just stop.

"Madame Pomfrey!!! Draco's been hit with the Cruciatus Curse!!" I screeched while running over to her. She quickly gave him a potion and several healing charms that I didn't identify and quite frankly, I didn't give a shit.

She instructed me to lay him down on one of the beds, so I sped over to an empty bed and laid him down in it. I pulled up a chair next to his bed and held his freezing cold hand while hearing his breath come back strained and bated.

He was alive. He was alive and that's all that mattered to me. He rocked back in forth in his sleep and his face contorted into one of worry and disgust.

I did the first instinct that came to mind, I climbed into bed next to him and wrapped my arms around him. Even under the blankets, he was cold.

I hugged him like my life depended on it. I felt him wrap his own arms around me and I looked up. His face was much more relaxed, almost at peace.

He dug his face into the crook of my neck and I set my head on top of his, rubbing small, warming circles on his back as he shivered at the contact of my temperate skin, which probably felt like fire to his icy skin, but he also soon relaxed.

I just held onto him for the rest of the afternoon. Our bodies wrapped around and secured into eachother, safely lying in an aura of peace and sentiment.


It was already night and Draco had yet to wake up, his scars were healed and his breathimg was perfectly fine but he wouldn't wake up.

I wanted to be there for him when he regained consciousness, so I stayed awake. It was a strain and drained lots of my remaining energy, but it was worth it for him.

I felt my eyes burn and sting as they tried to fall in and subdue, I kept them open much to my despair, but for Draco, anything was worth it.



Draco's P.O.V

I woke up to a warmth wrapped around me. Although I was awake, I couldn't open my eyes yet. After some internal battles of whether to sleep or not, I had to get up for Harry.

My eyes jolted awake and I felt my heart thump. I jumped backwards, away from whatever was just holding me.

I looked at what the warmth around me was and I saw him. I saw him and I couldn't have been happier.

I jolted back towards him and hugged him. He hugged back slowly. I could tell he was very drained of energy.

"Good morning Dray.." He said, groggily and yawning. "Good morning" I said happily into his chest.

"You shouldn't have stayed awake for me"

"Yes I should've"



"well it's too late now, you're awake"

"right, I'm just glad that you're ok"

I smiled up at him and he smiled sleepily back. "Well you're going to sleep now and you're not stopping me from making you." I kissed the top of his nose and pulled him back down on the bed.

"anything for you, Dragon." He said and rested his forehead against mine. I smiled at him and looked him in his eyes. He stared back into mine and smiled back as well.

We both fell back asleep peacefully, arms wrapped around eachother and no space was left between us.

I actually had a peaceful sleep that night. My dreams filled with sunny skies, floral gardens and Harry.

I don't want this to ever end.


Sorry for the short chapter, I'm writing this at 5 a.m. and I'm pretty tired but have nothing to do. But I hope you enjoyed the chapter because I actually did work on it.

Till next time.

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