Chapter 6- Angel

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Harry's P.O.V

It had been 3 days since the incident with Draco. And Merlin, I couldn't be happier! I mean...I do have my dreadfully fake relationship with Ginny to look after, and I still have to explain to my friends about me and Draco... But overall it's been great! Draco's been clean of his scars recently! He seems to light up around me and he's definitely warmed up to me. Although we only talk in secret during free periods and dinner, it's amazing getting to talk with him!

Merlin, listen to me. I sound like a girl who had just found out their crush liked them back.

I know Draco and I are friends...But as depressing as it is, I don't think he could ever love someone like me....

I mean, look at me. I'm terribly small and sickly thin, mind you I wasn't a complete stick, but I was exceptionally thin for my age and height. My eyes are round and rather large, I look like I just jumped from a cartoon, my nose bridge is crooked, I have huge bags under my eyes, my hair is so messy you could mop the floor with it, and my scar and glasses! I look like a book or cartoon character!

I'm very insecure about myself actually...I think it's The Dursley's getting to me...They've tainted my vision... But I don't care. My only concern is Draco and only Draco.


We were laughing, walking and talking our way down to the lake, talking about our days so far and we bursted into laughing fits at his mention of Bulstrode messing up a potion for the first time and her clearly pissed reaction.

We sat down at the edge of the lake together and continued to talk.

To my joy, Draco was wearing a short sleeved Crimson shirt, which revealed his arms. Aside from the chalk white gashes and words engraved in his beautifully porcelain skin from that day, he was completely clean! It made me smile inwardly knowing that I had helped him through this. My one and only, my world, my true love was healing because of my help.

Draco's P.O.V

We laughed and talked and exchanged playful but witty banter as we conversed. I have never been happier in my life! God, not only is he an inhumanely attractive being, he's also got the most magnetic personality and those adorable puppy dog eyes when he gets sad and his pearly white teeth when he smile and his feathery black hair that seems to just fall in his face in the most beautiful way... When can I not ramble about the pefection that is Harry Potter?

He would never love me, I know that much, but my obssession, my love, for him completely tosses that fact out of the window. All that matters is that I have him in my life now.

I mean, when I say he's become a part of my life, I mean it. I've seen him ditch his friends just to meet up with me, he's explained how much I mean to him, he's been giving me compliments on myself that I wouldn't even begin to consider. He's called me his closest friend, although that's as far as I'm ever going to get, it's amazing knowing he's mine in some sense.

....But then Weasel, Weaselette and Granger walk up...

Ginny's P.O.V

I walk out to the lake with Hermione and Ron for our usual study session we had on Saturdays.

...But what I see sends shivers throughout my body.

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