Chapter 10- DADA

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Okay, so I've been contemplating which year this story takes place in for some time now. So this is an AU where in 5th Year, Umbitch never becomes the DADA professor and instead they re-hire Lupin since he was a great teacher. So yeah, this is pretty much an AU with a peaceful 5th year.


-The next day (Monday)-

Harry's P.O.V

Me and Draco woke up at 5:45 a.m. and we both alternated turns in taking showers, getting dressed (which he helped me getting my tie tied), and whatever daily rituals we needed to do to get ready.

We finished around 6:30 overall so we just took that time to talk and converse about how we would survive today.

"Hey Harry..." Draco started nervously. "Yeah Dray?" I asked, leaning forward to face him.

"I was thinking..Could I sit with you at Gryffindor table? I really don't feel like being assaulted with an onslaught of questions from my house mates." he said rather quickly, staring at his shoes and twiddling his thumbs.

"Of course you can!" I said happily. "We just will need to find an adjustment in seats so that why the Gryffindors won't murder you" he chuckled at that.

"Are there any accepting Gryffindors you know of?" He asked. "There's Fred and George, they might have to get used to you, but they are actually pretty ok with anyone as long as they don't act like prats. So just be polite and you'll get along." He looked up at me and I saw the corners of his mouth twitch up into a smile, I smiled back.

We talked until 6:55, and then we walked down to the great hall together for breakfast.


Me and Draco walked in quickly and quietly, there was only a few students in the hall at this moment since it was very early, but to our luck, Fred and George were sitting at Gryffindor table, no one around them.


I softly gripped Draco's wrist and  walked towards them, going slow enough so that way Draco can have time to breathe and take in everything. As soon as we got over to the twins, I dropped his wrist and he almost hid behind me.

"Hey Fred, George" I smiled at them and they smiled back, also taking account of Draco behind me.

"Hiya Harry, Malfoy" they greeted us at the same time, which admittedly was kind of creepy, but it was normal.

"Hi, so I was wondering, can me and Draco sit here with you guys? He doesn't really feel...Comfortable..At Slytherin table as of today" I said, glancing back at Draco, giving him a reassuring grin, which he returned.

"Well sure you can, afterall-" George started.

"Your 'friends' are being complete prats" Fred finished.

"Yeah, tell us about it" I said, sitting down across from the two and Draco sitting next to me.

"They aren't really the most accepting from what I've experienced" Draco said quietly, chuckling a little bit.

"Yeah sorry about that mate" Fred said sincerely but comfortably roling it off as friendly.

"It's fine" Draco smiled at him.

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