Chapter 15- Always and Forever

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Harry's P.O.V

I woke up once again next to Draco and looked at him, him and all of his extraordinary beauty. How can someone be this beautiful while they're sleeping and while they're awake? How can someone just be so perfect?

I kissed his forehead gently while smiling and slithered my way out of bed, looking at the occamy that was on the side of the bed with a confused look. I just grunted figuring that he flew in here or someone brought him in. I stood on the cold floor and looked outside of the windows, seeing an orange gleam shine through the curtains.

I checked to see the day and time, it was 6 a.m. on a Saturday (I forgot the original day so bear with me). I sighed heavilly as I made my way to the door of the infirmary, about to grab the door handle until it opened for me and I was faced face to face with Ronald Weasley.


I looked down slightly and saw Hermione standing at his side. She just smiled at me and I looked up at Ron again, his face seemed to lighten up.

"Thank Merlin you're awake" Ron whispered while smiling unevenly. I shot him a curious and suspicious look before speaking. "Why are you so happy to see me all of a sudden? I thought you despised me." I whispered with a lingering sense of distaste in my voice.

Ron just smiled wider. "Actually...Me and 'Mione have something to confess..." He said with his cheeks becoming pinker.

I looked at him and realized we were still in the doorway so I walked back into the Hospital, motioning them to follow me before I sat at the edge of Draco's bed.

"What is it that you need to gwt off your chest guys?" I asked them quietly. "We wanted...To say that...Uh..." Ron started but looked down, flustered. Hermione slightly elbowed him in the chest. "What Ronald here is trying to say, is that he's actually Bisexual, and I'm Ace and Panromantic" Hermione stated matter-of-factly while keeping a straight- well, not so straight anymore face.

I looked at her in astonishment and I also saw Ron was scratching the back of his head. "We heard what Ginny was calling you, Malfoy Fred and George. We got furious and snapped at her in the common room, she slapped me and hissed at 'Mione, so we left for a bit and well...The rest is just fine detail, but we ended up here in search of you to tell you." Ron said slowly, carefully attempting to not stutter.

I flashed them a forgiving smile and I saw their expressions ease as well as their shoulders drop. "We also wanted to say sorry...You know..For Malfoy. We get that you make eachother happy and we want what is the best for you Mate." Ron said while giving a shy smile and Hermione nods in agreement.

My smile grows slightly wider and more uneven. "That's great to hear. Would you like to tell Draco yourselves or have me tell him for you?" I asked them quietly. "I think after all we've done, he deserves for us to tell him in person." Hermione says while looking at Draco and smiling slightly.


Draco's P.O.V

I felt the warmth of the sun shine on my skin and woke up peacefully to an empty space next to me and an Occamy on my forehead. "G'morning Dray" Harry lifts Scorpius off my face and he slithers around Harry's arm.

"Morning..." I grunt while I sat up. Rubbing my eyes and looking in shock at Granger and Weasel. I scooted as far back frantically on my bed as I could as I desperately searched for my wand.

"Calm down Dray, they're not here to hurt you anymore." Harry said while gently holding my wrists. I calmed down slightly as he kissed my forehead and I looked back to the duo at the foot of my bed.

"We wanted to apologize in advance for how we've treated you..We're not actually Homophobic, we just weren't trusting of you at first but now we support you. Actually, I'm Ace and Panromantic, Ronald is Bisexual." Granger said coolly and calmingly.

I suddenly felt a wave of relief wash over me as I let out a sharp breath that I didn't know I was holding and my shoulders relaxed.

"Yeah...So...We just wanted to say that, we get it if you don't forgive us." Weasley said while his lips tightened and he gave a small sorry smile. "No..I forgive you, but what about that Weaselette?" I said slightly spitting her nickname. "She'll just have to deal without having minions, and having to go through a trial considering she used a bloody unforgivable curse on you." Ron said with blatant disgust and anger in his voice.

"Don't worry, she'll be rightfully punished anyways for her crime soon enough." Harry said plainly but he was clearly furious at her.

I smirk at this. "I can't wait to see the day she is." I say with a posh tone of voice and with my eyebrows raised slightly. Harry just smiles at me, "You dork" He says while pushing me and laughing.

Hermione smiles slightly. "I think we should leave you two now, give you some alone time." Hermione says while standing up and grasping Ron's wrist. She drags him out of the hospital while he waves a quick "bye!" to us.

I laugh slightly at their ridiculousness and look at my Harry. "So Raven, what shall we do now?" I say while throwing my legs over the side of the bed, wincing at the slight lingering pain of scars.

Harry just gives me a 'really?' look. "Well since it should take you a few days, maybe a even a few weeks to heal, we should get started on our homework." He suggests with distaste while clapping his hands together and sitting down next to me.

"Ugh." is all I say as he starts taking out parchment, quills, ink and textbooks.

"I hate you" I say faking a spiteful tone of voice and glaring at him playfully.

"You love me" He says tauntingly, leaning his forehead against mine.

"Fine, you got me" I smile as we kiss lightly, smiling into the kiss before we both pull away and speak.

"What did I do to deserve you?"

"you existed"

"Will we stay together forever?"

"I promise, Forever."




(It's been too long holy shite.

Anyways, this concludes my first story! The epilogue will be going up as soon as I have time to write when I'm not sick.

Be looking forward to future chapters of current stories and more stories to come!)

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