Chapter 9- A Charming Breakfast

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Harry's P.O.V

I casted the tempus charm and saw that it was only 4:21 a.m. on a Sunday.

"Well we're up pretty early" I chuckled with only a pang of nervousness, which he chuckled back.

I stood up and thought of what we could do to kill the time, something fun and enjoyable...

I grabbed Draco's arm and hauled him up to where our noses were a mere inch apart and we were met face to face. We both quickly looked away, our faces completely flushed. We could feel the tension in the air.

Suddenly something in me clicked.

"Have you ever cooked something before?" I asked him, slightly coughing from the tension but shyly smiling at him.

He looked at me and his eyes eased as well as his expression. "Well no, as a pureblooded family our house elves cooked for us, but it was always an interesting subject to me" he said smiling.

"Well, today we are going to make breakfast together and you're not stopping me-" we both laughed at this. "so, what would you like to make, Draconius?"

He looked at me with a fake glare for a moment before speaking. "Dobby would always make great pancakes, so why don't we give pancakes a try?" Draco asked, his eyes fluttering with hope and joy spilling from his words.

"Anything for you, Draconius!" I laughed again while he glared at me.


Fred's P.O.V

Me and George made our way to the Great Hall, slyly waltzing into the hall making a bee line towards our regular seats.

Shortly after we sat down, we watched the doors to the great hall to see if Harry or Malfoy would walk in.

Sadly, all we saw were Ginny, Mione and Ron.

The trio walked in, Gin looked distressed over her "boyfriend" being gone for the last few days. We leaned in and listened to their conversation..

"You think ferret lured him somewhere?"

"Maybe Him and Malfoy went to the Hospital Wing?"

"I don't think so, you think Malfoy already turned Harry?"

"Don't be daft! There's no way my Harry was tricked by that git!"

That's really all we wanted to hear for now.

"I can't belive they still think Malfoy is trying to turn Harry to the dark arts" George said, scoffing.

"Yeah, but the way Ginny keeps calling Harry "boyfriend" is sickening" I said, which we both grimaced at.

"You think we should tell them who Harry really fancies?" George said, biting into his toast and eyeing the trio.

"No, they should find out on their own, just to see how bloody idiotic they are" I said.

"Good idea, maybe that'll teach them something for once" He said, wiping jam off of his chin.

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