Chapter : [ 1 1 ]

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Task Master

Sky felt frustrated, she couldn't breathe under all the pressure. Mrs. Charleston kept putting her through all these different tests and they were confusing her. She was passing all of them with flying colors but they were still irritating her, she was throwing everything at her.

She stares at the board and watches as her brain starts to work through the problem. She rights down the answer and Mrs. Charleston says scaring her, "That's correct!"

"After school, I want to see you, I have something to discuss." She says when the bell rings not moments later.

Sky packs up her things and follows her classmates out of the math room. She heads to the bathroom and splashes water on her face to wake herself up and to try and wash off the frustration, it wasn't really working. She dries her face and when she looks back into the mirror she sees Task Master.

He grabs her by her hair and injects this blue liquid into her neck, giving her no time to react. When he removes the needle her eyes start to flicker from their normal green color to the vibrant neon blue. Task Master backs away from her and soon disappears. Completely forgetting what happened in the past 30 seconds she turns around and looks at herself in the mirror.

MJ comes walking into the bathroom, "Hey."

"Hey," Sky replies. "How have you been?"

"Okay, you?"

"Tired, Mrs. Charleston has me working pretty hard." Sky looks down at her watch and the says, "Well I better get to class."

Sky goes to take a step forward but when she does the floor disappears and MJ's voice got disoriented as she went down. Her eyes slammed shut and they didn't open for another 5 minutes.

But that was when things got dangerous.

Sky quickly shot up from the ground and it results in MJ asking, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Sky replies, "I feel fine. Great, actually."

She walks out of the bathroom and starts to look for Sam, figuring he'd be in their next class she heads to her locker and then goes to her next class. When she enters the classroom she takes her seat next to Sam and sets her stuff down. "Hey, what took so long?"

She completely ignores his question and listens to the lecture. Her teacher drones on and she, as well as half of her class, starts to fall asleep until he says, "For your assignment I want you to draw a portrait. I don't care who it is, it can be realistic or not. You may work in pairs, begin."

Sam gets up and heads over to the canvasses and grabs one, walking back over to Sky he grabs her hand and pulls her over to his designated corner of the room. "Okay, I want you to sit like you would for the school pictures."

She nods and sits down on the stool. She looks back at Sam and places her hands in her lap, her eyes start to burn a bright blue. Sam looks at her in shock, "Sky, what are you doing?!? Stop it!"

Oblivious to what Sam's talking about she asks, "Stop what?"

"Your eyes! They're glowing!" He replies pulling out his phone and showing her the reflection.

Control ⭐️ Nova ⭐️  (01)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang