Chapter : [ 3 ]

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The Team

Sam was curious as to what was going on so he was going to wait until either Sky woke up or her mother or father got home. It explained why she kept disappearing but he didn't understand why she was having such a hard time controlling it.

Sam ended up waiting til 3:00 in the morning when Sky's mom got out of her car and approached her front porch to see him sitting there. "Hi, can I help you?"

"I..uh..this is gonna sound really crazy but I can help Sky." Sam says as the two walk to her front porch.

"I don't know what your talking about." Mrs. Storm says opening the front, revealing a passed out Sky on the floor with a syringe in her hand.

Mrs. Storms' expression changes when she saw her daughter passed out. "Oh honey..."

Mrs. Storm grabs the syringe from Sky's hand and throws it in the trash. Sam was already on the floor and had Sky in his arms. "She should wake up in few hours."

Sam picks her up and follows Mrs. Storm upstairs and down the hallway to Sky's room. She opens the room and Sam sets her down gently on her bed before following Sky's mother into the kitchen.

"So how can you help her?"

Sam focus and makes his hand glow blue. With a lot of practice he was able to control the Nova force with out his helmet. "You're just like her."

"I can try to help her control it. I work with S.H.E.I.L.D. I'm sure we can help her. I'll be back, when she wakes up if she's still doesn't have control knock her out." Sam says, heading outside and then to the school.

Once inside he runs to detention and heads up to the S.H.E.I.L.D helicarrier. He heads to Fury and once he find him Sam asks, "Have you found any other Nova Corps helmets?"

"Why?" Nick asks, not wanting to answer Sam's question.

"Because it's really important, okay. I just need to know did you find another helmet or not."

"Yes, we have. I was actually going to show it to you. Follow me." Nick says, walking out of conference room Sam quickly following behind him.

They head to Dr. Conor's Lab and then pulls out a box. He opens up a box and it reveals a helmet that looks a lot like Sam's. He went to grab it but Fury shut the box. "And why are you  so interested in it Sam."

"Just interested in its history. You know sentimental value." He replies, making up a lie on the spot. He wasn't going to let Fury anywhere near Sky, especially when she couldn't control it. She was a loose cannon and Nick would make the situation a lot worse.

And he figured out why. It was the helmet. The helmet kept everything in balance.

He was going to get that helmet even if it meant getting on Fury's bad side.

A Couple Of Hours Later....

Sky stirred awake, sitting up in her bed. She swings her feet to the side of the bed and heads down the hallway and then downstairs. She lets out a yawn, "Mom?"

"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?"

"Um, okay. Why?" Sky asks, very confused as to why she was asking. She had never really asked before.

"Just curious. Wanna tell me what happened last night?"

"Um went to Harry's party last night, then this venom monster thing attacked and Spider-Man and his team took care of it. After they destroyed Sam walked me home and when I got inside my whole body started to glow like my hand does so I knocked myself out." Sky explains to her mother.

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