Chapter : [ 10 ]

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Life on the Tri-Carrier

Sky gets woken up to Sam wrapping his arms around her, placing a kiss to the sweet spot on her neck. "Good morning, beautiful."

She turns to face him and says, "Morning, handsome."

"I wish I could wake up to your face every morning." Sam kisses her soft lips and she kisses back. Their lips started to move in sync, Sky runs her fingers through his hair causing him to moan into the kisses.

She smiles as his hands trail down her body and kisses and nibbles at her neck. He moves to the sweet spot and starts to suck on it, causing Sky to let out a small moan. She moves her hands up to Sam's head and moves it so she could kiss his lips.

A knock on Sam's door causes the two to pull away. Sam looks at the door and then at Sky, trying to figure out what he should do. "Who is it?"

"It's Peter, Fury just wanted me to tell you that he wants to see Sky in his office."

"Okay, she'll be there in a minute." Sam replies sitting up, Sky following his suit.

Sam gets out of bed and looks through his dresser draws looking for a pair of sweat pants and one of his old T-shirts, once he finds them he hands them to Sky. He takes off his shirt and Sky stares at him just a couple seconds to long. "See something you like?"

She blushes and looks down at the clothes in her lap. She stands up and takes off her shirt, Sam turns around and sees the lightning pattern on her back. He walks over to her and traces the pattern, curious as to what caused it. The slightest touch cause her to jump some, not because she didn't want to be touched it was just because his hand was cold. "What caused this?"

"Well when my mom went dark side the first time she attacked my dad trying to get to me, only it hit me instead of him. Ever since then I've had this." She replies putting on Sam's T-shirt.

"How come I've never seen it before now?" He asks confused, he'd seen her in dresses before and those marks were never there.

"You'd be surprised at what make up can do, I'd always apply it or if I couldn't I'd have my mom do it." She says taking off her a pants, grabbing the sweatpants off Sam's bed and slips them on.

She slips on his hoodie, then her shoes, then she ties her hair up into a loose bun. Sam watches as she walks out of his bedroom. Peter walks in and asks after he eyes Sam, "Did you guys do it last night?"

"No, we didn't. We probably would have this morning but you interrupted." Sam replies slipping on a clean T-shirt.

A small awkward blush forms on Peter's cheeks as he rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry, man. Orders are orders."

Sky walks into Director Fury's office and says, "You wanted to see me, sir?"

"Yes, after the events of last night we think that it would be best for you to stay here at Shield for a couple of weeks. Your mother has already packed your bag and brought it here." Fury says pointing the two bags and the book bag off in the corner. "She thinks it's best that you stay here. So I just wanted to let you know that."

"So go and enjoy your weekend." Sky walks over to the bags and picks them up. "We're letting you room with Sam."

She nods and heads down the hallway, slowly making it back to Sam's room. Peter soon left after their conversation, so when Sky comes walking in with two bags Sam doesn't really know what to think. "What-?"

"You get your wish, I'm staying here for a couple of weeks." She replies with a smile.

He gets up and grabs her bags, putting them in the corner. He then pulls her closer to him saying, "That's great."

Control ⭐️ Nova ⭐️  (01)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora