Chapter : [ 5 ]

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New York City was covered in snow, everyone who was out on the street was bundled up in warm winter jackets. Some were Christmas shopping and others were heading to work or school. It was still a week before Christmas and everyone still had a lot of planning to do.

Sky, bundled up in two jackets and a winter coat, made her way down the busy streets of New York coffee in hand. If there was one thing Sky hated more than super villains it was the cold, she absolutely hate it. She was tired, she didn't get enough sleep the night before. With getting Sam's present, making sure it got here on time, focusing on school work, the math olympics competition, and then not to mention S.H.I.E.L.D training, she was on the fringe.

When she made it Midtown High she peeled herself out of the giant winter coat and stuffed it into her locker. She grabs her book off the top shelf mildly shivering and shuts her locker running straight into Sam.

"Hey." He begins but once he helps her to her feet and sees her shivering he asks, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just freezing outside. I just can't seem to get warm." She replies hugging her text book to her body.

He grabs her and pulls her closer to him and says, "Here I can help with that."

Right when her body hits his, she feels the heat radiating off of him. She snuggles into him and mumbles out, "W..a..r..m.." Her eyes close and she almost falls asleep on him. If it wasn't for the bell signaling them for class she probably would've stayed asleep.

She lets out a groan and says, "I don't wanna go to class."

Since Sam is taller than Sky he rests his head on the top of hers before saying, "I know, I don't either but we have to."

"M'kay." They both let go and she was about to head to class but Sam grab her hand and pulled her back, pushing his lips up against hers. She smiles and then kisses back.

When the two pull away they head to their first class of the day, Math. She sits down at her desk and when all of the other kids sit down Mrs. Charleston starts the lesson. Mrs. Charleston writes down equations on the board and then picks a few volunteers to solve the equations.

After they've been solved correctly Mrs. Charleston hands out the assignment and everyone gets started on it. Halfway through the assignment Sky's hand rests on forehead as she focuses on her assignment. With each passing minute it got harder and harder for her to focus on her assignment, she knew she was stressing her self out so she took a deep breath and calmed down.

She rubbed her eyes and got back to her assignment, finishing it right as the bell rings. She gets up from her desk and turns in her assignment and meets up with Sam in hall, they head to their next class which happens to Sam's favorite. Art.

Art was Sam's favorite class, he loved it.

She slowly made it to class, rubbing her eyes as she walked down the hallway to the classroom. Sitting down she puts her hand on her face and her eyes fight to stay open. She knew she wasn't going to be any good to anyone in any class or if a villain attacked so she got up and walked over to the teacher Mr. Averys asking, "May I go to the nurse?"

Mr. Averys takes one look at Sky and says, "Yes you may go. Take care Ms. Storm."

She nods and then walks out of the classroom, heading towards the nurses office. Once there the nurse walks over to her and ushers her over to the cot and says, "Just lay here and get some rest, I'll alert your teachers if you miss any more class time."

Sky's lays down on the cot and once her head hits the pillow she's asleep in a mer matter of seconds.

* A Couple Of Hours Later *

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