Chapter : [ 6 ]

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It's been a couple of weeks after Christmas and Sam's mom and sister have went back to Carefree Arizona. It seemed like everything was perfect, the new year had just started and not many villains had reared their head.

Or if they did it was nothing Spider-Man couldn't handle.

Flying above the city Sky, does tricks and flips in the air, on her way to school. Since it was still cold out she decided to fly to school, it was a good way to stay warm. Even though he didn't mind, she didn't want to keep using Sam as a personal heater.

Something caught her eye as she passed an abandoned building, dismissing the eerie feeling she flies towards the building. She floats inside the building and after a second of looking around the first floor a creak is heard.

"Hello?" She calls out, hoping someone answers back.

A net is fired and Sky's pines to the wall, before she has any time to react to it the net electrocutes her knocking her unconscious. "Sleep tight little Star."

Right at the moment Sam felt worry seeping into him. He was already at school sitting next to Ava. "Somethings doesn't feel right."

Ava looks at Sam, he's never said something like in his outbursts. So being curious she asks, "Are you okay?"

Sam doesn't answer he just looks down at the desk in front of him. He didn't really know how to answer it, he's never felt this much worry. He's never been this scared...

The bell rings and Sam drops to knees, bringing his hands to his ears. It was like everything's amplified. Ava sprung into action pulling him out of class and into hall, Danny, Peter, and Luke following close behind.

"Sam, what's going on?" Peter and Ava ask in unison, concerned for their friend and teammate.

"Somethings doesn't feel right." He repeats almost in monotone, the ringing in his ears fade away.

"What do you mean-." Luke tries to ask but Sam cuts him off by snapping, "I don't know! Something just doesn't feel right."

Agent or as most of the students at Midtown High would know him as Principal Coulson walks down the hallways and sees them out of class. "What are Five doing out of class? And where is Sky?"

Danny, Peter, Ava, and Luke exchange glances. "Sir, we haven't seen her all morning."

Beads of sweat start to form on Sam's forehead. Something was wrong he just didn't know what and everything he was feeling was ultimately scaring the living daylights out of him. But what scared him even more was that no one had seen Sky all morning.

That fear soon turned to anger...

He lifts his head and his eyes were flickering from their normal blue and white color. He closes his eyes and focus on being calm, if he wasn't calm then he wasn't going to be of any use to anyone.

"Lets track her coms and see if we can pin point her location." Principal Coulson says to the five teenagers. "Sam hit the shower, go cool yourself off."

The four teenagers follow Principal Coulson while Sam head to the showers. He pulls off his shirt and turns the knob, water comes pouring out of the shower head and onto his skin. When the water hits his skin it starts to soothe him.

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