Chapter : [ 9 ]

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Things Left Unsaid Pt 2

Rain splatters on the window as a small 4 year old Sky looks out it and watches as lightning dances across the sky. Sky's father walks over to her and places a hand on her shoulder. She turns and looks up at him giving him a small smile, trying to cheer him up. Knowing that they both could use some happiness.

She gets up off the chair and heads down the hallway to her room. She gets out a color book and some crayons and then comes running back into the living room. She starts to color on the floor while her father starts to make dinner.

Time ticks by and when Sky gets done with her picture she grabs a magnet on the bottom half of the fridge and pins it to it. She walks over to her father and asks, "When is mommy coming home?"

"I don't know, baby. Mommy's sick, when she's better she'll come home." Her father replies not really knowing what to tell his four year daughter. "Dinner will be ready in a couple of minutes, why don't you go wash up?"

Sky nods and heads down the hallway to the bathroom and washes her small hands with warm water and soap, when she's done she dries them on the towel hanging on the rack next to the sink. When she heads back out to the kitchen she sees two plates sitting at the table and her father sitting there with his head in his hands.

A loud clap of thunder is heard and the door explodes into a bunch of tiny pieces. Sky lets a small scream as her father runs over to her and picks her up.

"Come on Robert just give her to me. I don't want to have to hurt you to get to her. You don't know what she can do." Sandra says floating over closer to them, Robert moves away from her.

"I know exactly what she's capable of and your not getting her. She's not going with you, your going to corrupt her and I'm not going to let you destroy her innocence for your person gain." Robert replies backing away from Sandra, not wanting Sky to see what her mother has turned into.

Sandra shoots a lightning bolt at Robert but it misses and hits Sky straight in the back. Robert turns away and tries to get Sky to say something but nothing happens. "Sky?!?"

Sandra moves closer to the two and tries to move Robert to get to Sky but Robert wasn't going to let her anywhere near her. Shield agents fill the room and surround Sandra. Bright light fills the room and she disappears.
A shield agent approaches Robert who is frantically trying to figure out what is wrong with his daughter and says, "Sir, you need to come with us. We can help your daughter."

Robert nods and carries his daughter close to his chest as they take him to the Shield facility in New York. Once there nurses and doctors take Sky from her father and start to work on her. Director Fury appears at his side and asks, "Why does your wife want your little girl?"

"I should tell you why?"

"I'm the one who can actually help you and your family. I can help you wife but I need to see the bigger picture." Fury replies understand that he wasn't going to trust him.

The doctors try to figure out what's wrong with her but come to no conclusion. Sky sits up and a doctor asks, "Are you in pain? Where were you hit?"

Sky shakes her head and then points to her back. The doctor looks at her back and sees purple lines branching out all over her back. The doctor walks over to her father and says, "She's going to be fine, but I'm afraid the lines on her back look like they will be permanent."

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