Chapter : [ 4 ]

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Winter Formal

It's been a few weeks and Sky's learned how to shoot energy blasts, fly, and she's leaned a few new hand to hand combat skills from Danny, Ava, Luke, and Peter. Fury and Coulson were pretty impressed on how fast of a learner she was.

Ava, was really excited that Sky had joined the team. She really needed another girl to hang out with, it was nice to have some one to talk to about classified Shied information. Everyone else, besides Sam, grew to like Sky being on the team. She gave it an extra edge that helped them in many cases.

* At School *

Sky shoves her gym bag into her locker that her Nova Corps Helmet in it and shuts it before heading up to the roof to do her homework since she has a free period.

Sky wasn't the only one who didn't have class, Sam, Ava, Luke, Danny, or Peter had class this hour. They each had a free period in case someone attacked a bank or something along the lines of that.

Finishing her homework in a matter of 15 minutes she took out her notebook and started to draw her Nova helmet. She was curious as to why it looked different than Sam's helmet. She wanted to know more about the helmet but she was scared to ask Sam, scared she wasn't going to like what he'd have to say.

Sam, using Sky's Shield wrist com, found her in the roof. "Hey, whatcha doing up here?"

"Oh just looking at the view." She replies, shutting her notebook, and then putting it back in her book bag.

Sam walks over to the edge and sits next to her, his hands in his lap fidgeting nervously. Sky gives him a weird look before she asks, "Are you okay?"

Sam looks at her says a little weirdly, "Yeah, I'm totally fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

Sky's phone beeps and she looks at it seeing it's an Code 9. Which for them it's a wardrobe emergency.

"Okay, well I have to go." Sky says, grabbing her book bag and then getting to her feet. "MJ needs me, it's an emergency."

And with in a matter of seconds Sky was gone.

Sam lets out a frustrated yell and runs a hand nervously through his hair. "Why is this so hard? It's just Sky, man up and ask her."

Sam's been trying to work up the courage to ask Sky to be his date to the Winter Formal on Friday. But every time he goes to ask her chickens out or is afraid she's gonna say no. He gets up from the side of the ledge and heads down to the student lounge to get an apple.

"So how did it go?" Peter asks, as Sam sits down.

"Horrible, I didn't even get to ask her. MJ needed her help with something." Sam takes a bite out of his apple and chews it slowly, thinking. He want it to be special and romantic, just asking her on the roof of their high school wasn't going to cut it. He wanted to her to some how see how special she was to him.

"You'll get it next time though don't worry." Luke says, giving him a small pat on the back before they all get up and head to their next class.

Sky on the other hand was wishing she'd never left the roof. MJ showed her dress after dress after dress. Sky tried to give her input but MJ just dismissed it. So when the bell rang she was, for the first time in a million years, happy to go to science class.

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