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A/N Omg this smile is so cute I just had to put it on! And btw, imagine Alex's smile like this, I've always had!!! ^^^ this girl is so sweet!!! ^^^

In the early morning, a swift knock sounded on the outside of the rickety old wooden door of Merlin's cottage.

"Merlin! You forgot to leave the door unlocked for me!!" boomed a voice from outdoors.

The old wizard, who was snoring soundly, didn't hear a thing. But everyone else had woken up to the sound of the young man who seemed to be Merlin's friend.

"What should we do?" asked Conner, still groggy and tired from sleeping. He thought it was odd, that after he had more than eight hours of sleep, he still felt tired in the morning.

Bree laced up her sneakers and walked towards the door, and with one glance back at the rest of the gang- who were looking closely at her, she thrust open the door and the future King Arthur stumbled in.

Arthur had shaggy dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He was very handsome and muscular from working on his magic all the time. "Oh, Merlin, I thought-" he blinked and his eyes widened once he had registered what was going on. "What the—?"

For a moment, everyone was silent. And then Arthur screamed, quite loudly, and Otherworldian Arthur screamed back.

The FAT, the Indians, and Alex, Conner, and Bree watched the scene play out curiously. Nobody knew what was going to happen.

"Arthur?" said Normal Arthur to King Arthur. "You look exactly like me!"

King Arthur rolled his eyes. "Well, obviously," he muttered. "You're me, and I'm you, and-"

"Shut up!" Alex cried, getting up from her bed. "You're confusing everyone. Er...I'll call you King Arthur. Why're you here?"

"This is my home," King Arthur replied. "I've lived here since forever, where's Merlin, my old pal?"

"Sleeping," Alex said quickly. "Let me finish...have you pulled the sword out of the stone yet?"

King Arthur shook his head. "Unfortunately not, but I think I'm close," he said. "Who are you guys?"

"Oh," Bree yawned. "Right. We forgot about that. I'm Bree, that's Conner and Alex-they're twins, that's Arthur, but I guess you already know him, and that's the Chief and his Indians and the Fairy Authority Team.,.that's Alex and Conner's uncle, Lloyd." She pointed to everyone as she said it.

People waved.

He blinked. "Oh, cool...why are you here though? I'm confused."

"We got stuck here-long story, don't ask. We needed a place to rest, and Merlin was kind enough to open his doors for us. We're going to find out where 'an evil force' went, I think he's trying to take over the world...and we need help." Conner explained.

King Arthur paused for a second. "I can help," he exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. "I can help! I have hundreds of swords, Merlin has tried everything to help me train! All I need is permission from him."

Everybody turned to look at the sleeping body of the wizard. "Who's going to wake him up?"

"NOT ME!" everyone yelled except for Normal Arthur. Nobody could believe how Merlin hadn't woken up already.

"Ugh, nobody told me we're playing that game!" he cried.

Alex laughed. "It's only fair, Arthur," she grinned at him.

Arthur's heart fluttered, she looked beautiful, even with bedhead and a worried glint in her eye. "O-okay then, I'll do it."

Alex smiled.

Normal Arthur walked towards the couch that Merlin had collapsed on, slowly and cautiously. Suddenly, he felt almost afraid, like Merlin was going to jump up and scream 'BOO!' in his ear. He was a wizard-he could do that.

Deciding to get it over with, Arthur shook Merlin awake and screamed "GET UP OL' MERLIN!" over and over.

Bree started to cackle, as well as everyone else. "Oh my gosh!"

Merlin was jerked up into a seating position and pushed his arms out into a powerful position, knocking Arthur to the wall. "Hmm? What's going on?"

"Oh, Merlin!" King Arthur said, running towards him. "Are you alright?"

Merlin rolled his eyes. "Of course I'm alright, dummy," he spat. "Do you really think I'm such a doll?"

"Can I go save the world with your captives? I think I can really make a difference, and it won't cost you anything, I can get practice with swords when I'm out there, and it's not like I'm actually going to die-" Arthur ranted on and on, his lips moving incredibly fast.

Merlin grabbed his wand and performed a swift spell, freezing Arthur on the spot. "Shut up, you stupid boy!" he yelled at the frozen Arthur. "You don't know anything about that place! And slow down, child, you'll give yourself a headache!"

Merlin unfroze Arthur. He collapsed to the floor. Through short gasps, Arthur whined, "But, Merlin, why?"

"You must finish your mission here," Merlin instructed, folding his arms over his snowy white beard. "Besides, that world knows about King Arthur."

Arthur sighed in defeat. "Oh, alright."

"Very well!" Merlin confirmed.

"Now, we have to figure out how to get out of here," Alex said, taking intuitive.

"Alex, where is the King Arthur book?" Emeralda asked urgently.

"I don't know. Do we need it?" she replied.

"Yes, we need it to get back to Wonderland!" Emeralda cried irritably. "Must I do everything myself?!"

"Oh, great! We're stuck, thanks to Alex!" Conner said rolling his eyes.

"No, not quite," Xanthous intervened.

With a snap of his fingers, Alex, Conner, Otherworld Arthur, and the FAT were transported to the Red Queen's castle. Alex frowned. "This is not the fairy tale world!"

"No crap, Sherlock," Conner replied sarcastically. Alex glared at her brother. Conner walked over to a bookshelf and pulled out a book. "Well, whaddaya know? It's A Treasury of Fairytales! You're welcome." He took an over-exaggerated bow.

Emeralda scurried over to him and yanked the book from his clutch. She opened it. A glowing golden beam shot up into the sky. "Oh, my magic," she said. Her voice was so soft it was almost a whisper. "This is far worse than I could've ever imagined."

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Coral exclaimed.

"Wait! We need to get Violetta!" Rosette exclaimed.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Arthur found The Wizard of Oz, and everyone jumped in. They appeared in the Wicked Witch's castle. Violetta looked up from Bulbo, who she was petting.

"Come on!" Alex said, motioning hand to follow. "Bulbo can come, too!"

Bulbo climbed onto Violetta's shoulder, and they jumped back into Wonderland. Conner opened the fairytale book. They hopped on the book, and were taken to the Land of Stories.

A/N: Hey there! This is another combination of Amanda/Flora update. This is Flora, by the way! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a nice day!

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