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Micah's still mad at me, and when I got to school today he literally avoided me the entire time. It made me feel really sad, and embarrassed actually. People stared at me in the hallways today, and at lunch when I went to eat outside by the olive tree. The girls whispered: "Oh my god, she's literally sooo jealous," or "Ew, she's such a clingy girlfriend. Why'd Micah even agree to date her?" and it made me feel even worse. The boys laughed behind my back when they thought I couldn't hear them: "Micah's unlucky to have her," they said, or they just laughed. And that's hurtful. They don't say anything. They just laugh.

The next morning, Alex knocked on Bree's door. "Open up, open up," She muttered to herself, bouncing up and down in the hallway as she waited for her friend to open up the door.

Finally, a sleepy looking Bree opened up the door. She yawned. "Hey," She said. "Why are you up so early?"

Alex frowned and checked her fitbit. 8:09 AM. Oh...she thought it said 10:00. "Sorry!" she cried. "I didn't know it was so you want me to leave now?"

Bree giggled. "No, don't worry. I was getting up anyways. Want to go for a jog, maybe check out the gift shop in the hotel?" she asked.

Alex nodded. "Sure," she said. "I'll just get dressed and I'll meet you down in the lobby, okay?"

Bree smiled. "Gotcha," she said, and closed the door before Alex could say anything else.

Alex quickly walked back to her room before any other hotel guests heard her. She closed the door, a little too forcefully, and flinched at the noise it made.

She walked towards her suitcase and rummaged through her options. She finally decided on a plain white t-shirt and flowy black shorts with her Birkenstocks. She flipped her hair up into a messy bun and grabbed her purse off the hook on the wall.

As Alex walked down the glass stairs, she grinned at how lively it was inside the hotel. Even if Conner's money had gone to his head, Alex had to admit that this hotel was pretty awesome. She sniffed and could practically smell the fresh water tumbling down from the indoor waterfall.

Bree was at the bottom of the stairs and waved her arms in the air. "Alexandra Bailey! ALEXANDRA!!!! I'm here!!!" she yelled, causing a few people to look her way. "ALEX!"

Alex face palmed. "Bree, stop it!" she whisper-shouted. "You're making a scene!" Alex's cheeks blushed a deep shade of red.

Bree chuckled. "I know that," she said, smiling. "Anyways," she turned around towards the door. "Want to head out and get something at the Seaside Breakfast Bar?"

Alex nodded enthusiastically. "Oh my gosh, yes! I love the smoothies there, especially the mango ones! Yum!" Alex beamed like a little girl.

Bree laughed. "Okay, let's go,"


At the Seaside Breakfast Bar, Alex ordered another mango smoothie while Bree went through the buffet. Alex walked towards one of the tables when she noticed a familiar blonde-haired boy.

"Arthur?" Alex asked, baffled. Why was Arthur here? Didn't he, you know, work?

Arthur looked up from his phone and smiled. "Hey Alex," He said. "What's up?" he continued to munch on his strawberry.

Alex opened her mouth and then closed it. And then she opened it again and then closed it again. She was at loss for words. What was she going to say? Conner would be incredibly mad if he found out! "What are you doing?" she was finally able to choke out.

Arthur frowned, turning his head sideways like a confused puppy. "What do you mean?" he looked down at his strawberry. "Oh! I'm eating a strawberry." He grinned sheepishly and took a big bite.

Alex rolled her eyes. "No!" she yelled. "Why are you here? You're supposed to be back at the hotel. If you don't get back soon, Conner will notice and he'll get extremely mad!" she walked towards Arthur and sat down across from him.

Arthur shrugged. "Don't care," he said.

Alex gaped at him. "What do you mean, 'don't care'?!" she shouted. "You're going to lose your job if you don't get back!"

"No I won't," Arthur replied calmly. "I've done this before. As long as I'm back by 12:00, I won't get fired. Conner doesn't even wake up until 11:00 anyways."

Alex bit her lip. "Fine," she said. "But...I still think you shouldn't do this all the time."

"Oh I don't," Arthur explained. "I only do this about once or twice a month, nothing big."

"What about the pool?" Alex asked. "What if someone can't swim, and drowns? Who will be there to save them?"

"By standers..." Arthur trailed off, a smirk on his face.

Alex's eyes widened. "Are you serious?!" she screamed loudly.

Some people turned to look Alex's way, and she blushed.

Arthur burst out laughing. "No!" he chuckled. "Maggie's there too, she does morning shifts...I don't actually have to be there until 12:00!"

Alex smacked Arthur on the arm. "You scared me!" she yelled, trying not to laugh. "I thought you just left them to die there!"

Arthur giggled uncontrollably. "Of course not!"

Alex rolled her eyes, but you could tell she was amused.

"Hey Alex," Bree said, holding her tray in her hand with a doubtful look on her face. "Why are you sitting with Arthur?"

Alex shrugged. "I don't know, he was sitting all alone, and it made me sad, thinking about how lonely and depressing his life must be." Alex smirked while Arthur glared playfully at her.

Bree gave Alex and Arthur a strange look. "Um...okay," she said, sitting down beside Alex. "I'll just quietly eat my corndog..."

They all burst out laughing.

A/N Hi everyone! Sorry for the weird updates...anyways, I THINK it will go back to normal soon, so yeah! I hope you like today's chapter...-Amanda

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