Ch. 30

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OH, MY GOD. OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD!!!!!! I cannot even write it. This is the worst. It's so devasting. Oh, my god, I can't even bring myself to accept it. I don't know how it happened. I don't any details or anything. But, it's Micah. He, uh, well...he's dead.

The group continued on the Yellow Brick Road to Munchkinland. As they grew closer to the land, the temperature began to drop abnormally. Alex rubbed her arms. The wind chilled every bone in her body until she grew numb. Alex took a sharp breath, she could see it in the dark, colorless wasteland of the west. 

The trees were leafless and dead. Thin fog draped on the naked branches of the stagnant forest. Bree looked around in amazement. 

"Awesome." The word escaped her lips like water being poured into a cup. 

There were no animals to be found in the dreary woodlands. The place was completely silent, except for the eerie haunting of the wind that sent chills down everyone's spines, and hissed in the branches like a ghost. CL purred softly in the back of the group. He dragged his colossal paws on the dirt. He wasn't the most courageous in the group, so he lingered close in hopes of not getting maltreated.

Or worse, dead.

The Tinwoodsman still led the group, but slower and more cautious. Alex and Conner walked side-by-side in back of him. The group was silent. Nobody dared to utter a word audibly. The wind continued to whistle in their ears, nip at their noses, and sting their cheeks. 

The Tinman turned around. "Okay, everyone. We should be encountering a fair amount of traps. The Wicked Witch hates visitors. I'm not sure how that man would've gotten in without being dead."

"So, watch out is what you're saying?" Bree asked. The Tinman nodded.

The Tinman continued deeper into the sullen wood. As they got closer to the castle, the Tinman grew suspicious. They should've encountered multiple traps that would have sucked them into their inevitable doom. Finally, the group approached the castle's great wooden doors. Hesitantly, the Tinwoodsman knocked on the doors. No response. He knocked again, only this time, it was louder. Silence. Before the Tinman could knock again, Emeralda swished her hand, and the doors flew open. The Tinwoodsman gaped at the fairy. 

"She's not answering, so let's go in," Emeralda said, matter-of-factly.

They proceeded into the castle. It was absolutely silent, except for the soft whimpering. Alex stopped. She walked in the direction of the crying. In a corner, was a baby flying monkey covering his eyes. Alex knelt down beside the monkey. 

"Are you okay?" she asked.

The monkey removed his little hands from his puffy eyes. "No. My parents were taken away from me, and I'm hungry, and I'm thirsty, and I'm cold."

"I am very sorry to hear that. Do you have a name? What is it?" Alex sympathized. 

"You ask a lot of questions. I'll answer them if you have any bananas," the monkey replied. 

"I'm not sure if I can give you an-"

Skylene snapped her fingers, and a bowl of ripened, yellow bananas appeared. The monkey's face illuminated with delight. He ripped off a banana, and peeled it quickly, then shoved half of it in his tiny mouth. Alex giggled. 

"Can you tell me your name, now?" Alex giggled in amusement. "After you're done swallowing, I mean."

The monkey swallowed hard. "My name is Bulbo. What's yours?"

"I'm Alex. That's my twin brother Conner," she replied, pointing to her brother. "And that's Bree, the Tinwoodsman, CL, and the Fairy Authority Team, Emeralda, Rosette, Tangerina, Skylene, Violetta, Coral, and Xanthous."

Bulbo nodded. "Do you have more bananas or any water with you?" 

Alex glanced at Skylene nervously. Skylene sighed and snapped her fingers again. A glass of water and another bowl of yellow bananas appeared. Bulbo dug into the food. Conner jogged over to Alex and Bulbo with a book in his hand. 

"Alex, I think I know where he went next," he said softly. 

"Really? Where?" Alex asked in fear. 


A/N: Hey everyone! Flora, here! Hope you are having a good day, and you enjoyed the chapter!

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