Ch. 4

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Micah and I went to 9th grade formal together and we danced all night! Wearing heels to the dance probably wasn't the best decision, but it was completely worth it. After the dance ended, Micah brought me outside and kissed my cheek! My face has never felt so hot! I'm still smiling!!

Once Conner finished showing Alex and Bree the beach, they went back to the hotel. Bree and Alex were still totally shocked at what just happened and didn't try to bring up the topic.

Alex kept thinking, "What has happened to my brother? This is not the same guy that was my brother in sixth grade."

While Alex kept thinking that Conner thought, "What has happened to me?"

After they got back to the hotel, Bree, trying to break the awkward silence, said, "Why don't we all go swimming?"

"Why not?" Conner and Alex agreed. Alex and Bree's rooms were close to each other so they walked up two flights of stairs and down the hallway.

While they walked they talked about what to do about the power that was getting to Conner's head.

"Do you have any ideas about what we should do about him?" Alex asked.

Bree replied, "I don't know, let's talk more about it later. We're at my room.

Meanwhile Conner walked as ran as fast as he could to his room, so he would have a minute of alone time to think.

He told himself, "You will not under any circumstances treat anyone badly."

He quickly got his swim suit on and headed to the pool. When he got there he saw that Alex and Bree were already there. He walked over to them and then they all went over to the pool. The life guard, Arthur, was on duty and he waved to Alex.

Alex started blushing, and Bree said, "Somebody definitely likes the lifeguard!"

"No I don't." Alex countered quickly. Her eyes darted around everywhere but at Conner. He could always tell when she was lying.

They all got in the pool and swam over to a spot where they could stand and talk in the water. On the way over Alex swam to the bottom of the pool and swam across the bottom. Someone was jumping on the pool floor and Alex didn't see them, until she was right underneath them.

"OWWW!!!" Alex screamed. Well kind of screamed she was underwater.

The person had landed directly on Alex's leg and she couldn't swim. She couldn't push off the ground and push herself up either because he swim suit got caught on the bottom. Soon her vision started to blur. She was running out of air. She could barely see and then she couldn't see at all. She had gone unconscious.

Meanwhile Conner and Bree were getting a little worried. They could not find Alex. Conner looked underwater and screamed. Alex was stuck on the bottom of the pool unconscious. He and Bree tried to pull Alex to the surface but they couldn't.

"ARTHUR!" Conner yelled, "My sister is unconscious on the pool floor!"

Arthur dived into the pool and saw Alex on the ground. He could tell that she was somehow stuck. He found the place where the swim suit was stuck and pulled it free. Then Arthur, Conner, and Bree tugged Alex up from the floor and laid her on the side of the pool. She started to stir awake, luckily she hadn't been under too long. Arthur was about to do mouth to mouth with Alex when she awoke.

"You... you saved my life. Thank you so much." Alex whispered.

"Your welcome. Now let's get you to a doctor." Arthur replied.

A/N How did you like this chapter? Unexpected, right? Thanks for reading this part!

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