Ch. 34

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I have never cried so hard for so long before. I miss Micah so much. I tell myself he isn't dead, but it doesn't help when I go to school and I don't see him there. It hurts my heart so much that sometimes I feel like I can't even get out of bed. Grandma is beginning to worry about me. I tell her I'm fine, but I'm really not. It's easier to admit it in writing since I know for a fact that Grandma is reading my diary. Ugh, heartbreak for the second time is whapping me right in the butt.

Once again, the golden calligraphy surrounded them as they entered Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. They entered the land and fell to the ground with a thud. It was incredibly stuffy, and Alex opened her eyes to realize that they had fallen down the rabbit hole.

"Everybody, get up!" Alex shrieked in delight. She ran towards the edge of the tunnel and shoved the curtains aside. Her body slouched and she returned back to her friends. "I should have known! Lloyd took the shrinking potion!"

Emerelda rolled her eyes. "Who cares? I'm guessing Lloyd forgot that fairies have magic."

She took a moment to shrink everybody. Once everybody was shrunk, they went towards another curtain and opened the door. Everybody gasped as they gazed into Wonderland. It was a magnificent explosion of green and vibrant colours. Alex squealed with excitement as her and her friends travelled into the majestic world of Wonderland.

Alex's face fell. She'd almost forgotten the disclaimer of the fictitious world. Alex turned to face the group. She clapped her hands to draw all their attention to her. Once they were all quiet, Alex cleared her throat and took a short breath. "Now, I understand that we are all amazed by this great place," she explained. "But there is one thing that you all should know. This world was created on the raw foundation of nonsense! Don't speak to anyone here. Don't stare, deny everything any of these ludicrous creatures say to you. Nothing is how it is, or how it seems. Got it?"

The Tinwoodsman rose his hand slowly. "What if we get lost, and need to ask for directions?"

"Uhm...we'll just figure this out on our own!" Alex answered. "Besides, I know this place like the back of my hand! Follow me!"

Everyone shrugged, and followed Alex through the insanity of Wonderland.


After an hour of walking, Alex began to feel confused. Her eyes wandered up to the sky, searching for a way to know where to go. Alex realized she was walking alone. The group had stopped, and Alex found herself face to face with a cat that had an extremely animated smile smeared across its face.

"Hello," the cat said, its smile broadening.

Alex gasped, and turned around to face her friends. "Oh my God! It's the Cheshire Cat!"

"Why, yes I am. And, may I help you?" the Cheshire Cat asked blissfully.

"Which path should we take?" Alex asked.

"You don't know?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Well, if you don't know where you want go, it doesn't matter which path you take," the cat answered.

Alex cocked her head. "But I do know where I want to go. I want to go to the Red Queen's Castle."

"Then choose whichever path you think is right," the Cheshire Cat replied with a bigger grin.

"Wait, what?"


Hey, everyone! It's me, Flora. Sorry about the lack of updates and short chapter. But, hey, here's a chapter for you guys! Hope you liked the new chapter!!<3

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