Ch. 8

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This was the worst day of my life. It started out great with Micah FINALLY forgiving me and giving me another chance! Yay! When I got to school Micah was already there and pulled me aside and told me that he was going to give me ONE more chance. After he told me that, he gave me a hug in front of everyone! Everything was going perfect! But while we were in our first classes, math for me, and science for Micah, some really mean girl told him I thought he was the ugliest guy I'd ever seen! So untrue! When I went to see him after class I could tell he was angry. What am I going to do?

Later, Alex and Bree met up with Conner. They went to the beach today but didn't get into the water.

"Conner, Bree, wanna build a sandcastle?" Alex asked jokingly.

"Yeah, I actually really want to." Conner replied.

" Me too!" Bree said.

The three of them built a giant sandcastle with big shells, seaweed, and a little umbrella that came in Alex's smoothie. Once they finished they all sat in beach chairs relaxing. The little girls from a couple days ago walked past with a little boy that had to be their brother. He looked about six. He started jumping up and down and he tripped over a rock and fell into Alex, Conner, and Bree's sandcastle!

Conner jumped up and yelled, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! That castle took us hours to make!"

Alyssa, one of the girls said,"Oh, my! I am very sorry! He's never done that before."

"Now, you'll really be hearing from my lawyer," Conner responded.

The two girls and little boy ran away. A little while later, Arthur started walking towards them because Maggie was going to take the entire day at the pool and Arthur at the beach. When he was still a little bit away Alex went to meet him.

"Hey, Alex," Arthur said," How are you?"

"I'm doing okay. Do you want to walk?" Alex replied.

"Yeah, that would be good."

They walked for a little while until they reached a beautiful part of the beach where they walked to the edge and put their feet in. Suddenly Alex tripped on some seaweed and fell into the waves. Arthur jumped in After and soon they were swimming and laughing together. Alex tried to dunk Arthur and they had a ton of fun.

"I'd better get going," Arthur said after awhile. "I'll see you later."

"See you later." Alex replied.

A/N Sorry this is kinda short. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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