Ch. 40

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I am not okay. It's so hard getting over the fact that Micah is dead. On the bright side, Grandma isn't making me go to that therapy circle thing. I barely have any friends to talk to. I mean, I have Bree, of course. But she's telling me to forget about him. I don't know how to do that. I can't just forget about him! He was the love of my life for God's sake! What am I going to do??

Alex was blinded by the white pages of wherever she was going. It made her nauseated and faint. Then, the white nothingness changed to a hurricane of golden printed letters that turned into words that turned into sentences, then paragraphs, and so on. It was mesmerizing the way they formed around her. The words suddenly transformed into a dark green canvas. Before Alex could ask herself what it was, she had face planted in it, getting a mouthful of grass. Amazing.

The air around Alex and Arthur was crisp and cool and had a late autumn feel to it, the way it stung their noses and cheeks. Alex rolled onto her back looking up at the clear sky with dark green evergreen trees reaching for it. She took a deep breath and let it all out slowly in an attempt to relieve her upset stomach. Arthur, who had landed as violently as she and next to her, groaned deeply in the back of his throat. He too had faceplanted onto the ground and was suffering all the same consequences. Arthur rolled over to his back like Alex. He looked over at her.

"Where the hell are we?" he asked.

"I have no freaking clue, Arthur," Alex said calmly with her eyes closed.

Arthur huffed. "Well, we can try to know where we are, right?"

"Right, right," Alex said standing up and brushing herself off. Arthur followed.

Abruptly, the Fairy Authority Team came falling from the sky and collapsed on Arthur and Alex. Arthur screamed. Emeralda smacked him in the chest to help herself up.

"There they are," Alex moaned monotonously.

Once the FAT had removed themselves from Arthur and Alex, they got back on track to search out where they were. Alex knew she had a fifty-fifty chance of getting the right guess, but she wanted some form of clue. Out of nowhere, a horse galloped swiftly toward them. A knight was riding on its back valiantly. He stopped his horse and scanned the group. Bravely, Emeralda and the remainder of her team approached the knight. Alex grabbed hold of Emeralda's arm.

"What are you doing," she hissed. "We could get ourselves killed, and I would like to go home alive."

"We're just introducing ourselves, so we won't have to be lost anymore," Emeralda snapped back and jerked her arm away from Alex.

The knight took off his helmet, revealing a glorious mane of blond hair. Alex leaned over to Arthur; she knew where they were now. "I bet we're in King Arthur."

"Hello!" Tangerina greeted brightly.

"Hello," the knight answered. "Who are you lot?"

"I am Tangerina," she replied. "And these are my colleagues, Emeralda, Xanthous, Skylene, Coral, and Rosette. And those two back there are Alex and Arthur. Who are you?"

The knight blinked at Tangerina's cheerfulness, then replied, "I'm Arthur."

"Whomp, there it is," Alex said under her breath.

"Well, Arthur," Emeralda started glaring back at Alex and Arthur. "Could you help us? We are a bit lost."

"NO! That will not be neccessary!" Alex cried, interfering. "I know exactly where we are! Thank you, Arthur!"

She saluted the knight and led the FAT and Arthur away from him. Confused, they followed her, and they went deeper into the forest as Alex led, but she seemed to know where she was going so they followed. As they walked, the trees seemed to be placed closer and closer together and thicker, too. The sky seemed to get dimmer, almost like somebody had turned down the brightness of the sun. Like it was dusk. Strange.

The trees slowly started to thin out. 'How peculiar,' Alex thought. 'Are we approaching something?' Right as she thought that, the group came to a very violent halt at the shore of a huge lake. The lake was dark, almost black, and wasn't blue. It was greenish. Around the shore, nasty debris of dead fish and other deceased lake-life lined the edges of the water that sopped up against the slippery, algae-covered rocks. The slight smell of rotting meat and fish touched the group's nostrils and they scowled at it.

"Look!" Alex cried pointing at a body on floating in the lake near the shore.

They ran over to it. It was a lady with dark hair. Her eyes were barely open like she was sleepy. Her side was bloody from a huge stab wound and the lady was bleeding out very quickly. She was almost dead. Alex scanned the woman quickly.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I am the Lady of the Lake," the woman managed to say. Her voice was strained and tight.

"Who did this to you?" Alex asked urgently.

"A sorceress named Morina," the lady struggled. Her breathing was unsteady.

"Morina," Alex whispered looking up.

Alex peered down at the woman. She had closed her eyes and was cold.

Dead cold.


Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't update on Wednesday. My family is in town and it's been hard to write something. So I got this one in quickly for Friday! Hope you all liked this chapter! -Flora

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