Ch. 9

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Well, this has officially been the worst day of my entire life. Today, after class, Micah pulled me outside, and told me this: "Alex, I don't think this is going to work out. I mean, with what you said the other day."
I immediately defended myself in telling him that I did not say such a thing. But, he didn't believe me at all. We got into a huge argument, and there was yelling, and lots and lots of tears(mostly from me).

Well, I am single, and heart breaks sucks. I don't think I'll ever date anyone ever!

Wrapped up in a multicolored beach towels, Alex, Bree, and Conner all headed back up to their hotel. They broke off into their separate rooms to freshen up. After Alex had showered and changed, she got out her computer. In the search bar, she looked up how to help your brother's anger management issues. Alex found a book on anger management and reluctantly bought it after reading all the reviews.

Conner knocked on Alex's door. A faint, "Come in," let him in. Conner opened the door only to find Alex glaring at him.

"Why are you glaring at me?" Conner asked.

"I'm hoping you'll spontaneously combust," she replied.

"Why? What did I do?" he questioned.

"Well, for one, you got mad at a little boy! You really have got to work on your anger management, Conner," Alex responded.

"Yeah, I know."


Alex walked down to the pool, where Arthur was locking up for the day. As she became closer, her heart started beating a thousand miles an hour. She tried to deny the feeling, and thought to herself, No, you do not feel this way. No way, are we doing this, again. Just try to ignore his beautiful blue eyes.

But, her reassurances failed to protect from falling. As much as Alex denied her feelings for Arthur, a part of Alex wanted to fall for him, but after what had happened with her previous boyfriend disabled her from allowing it to happen. She never wanted to experience heart ache, again. Oh, how the pain of losing someone hurt so badly. Never again, Alex thought as she walked closer to the life guard. Never again, am I going to fall in love.

Arthur looked up from his keys, and smiled at Alex. Her stomach did a double flip. Alex tried to hide her rosy face by looking at the ground. Arthur moved toward Alex.

"Hey, Alex! What are you doing out so late?" Arthur greeted warmly.

"Oh, I was just going out for a nightly stroll!" Alex replied.

"Well, okay," he said. "Hey! Uh, I was just wondering if maybe you'd want to go to lunch tomorrow? There's a really good new restaurant down the street."

Alex was shocked. She told herself never again but Arthur actually seemed interested in her. She wasn't sure what to say. Alex's automatic response would be she won't go but she kind of wanted to go. Alex decided to test the water and responded, "I'd love to!"

Arthur smiled. "Alright, see you at noon tomorrow!"


Alex kept telling herself over and over again that having lunch with Arthur was not a date—at least she didn't think so. When she finally convinced herself, she started to obsess over what she was going to wear with Bree.

"What do you think? Pink blouse or yellow sundress?" Alex asked Bree.

"Neither. Both are too bright. Here, I'll let you borrow my purple tee shirt," Bree advised.

"Fine, I'll wear the pink blouse because purple is not my color," she replied.

"Well, you did ask my opinion."

"Not important right now."

"It's getting late, Alex. Besides, we can do this in the morning," Bree said.

"Oh, alright. I guess it is a little late," Alex sighed.

"A little late?! It's two in the morning!"

Bree left Alex's room. Alex slipped into her pajamas, and tried to fall asleep on top of her blankets, as the Los Angeles temperature was too warm for even a light blanket. Alex's nervous-excitement for the big day awaiting her have her insomnia, and didn't fall asleep until the clock struck three a.m.

A/N: hey y'all! Flora here! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Sorry for the lack of updates. Hopefully, there will be more frequent ones in the future. Glad you're enjoying Summer Love!

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