Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

*Harry's POV**

I reached the pitch out of air and already aching in the bones. I rushed through the changing rooms, ever so quickly. The rest of the team was already ready and almost mounting their brooms. I reached the group just in the nick of  time.

'Sorry I'm late...' I said to everyone, I also muttered quietly to Ron who was now beside me, 'Who's the cap?'

'Why don't you see for yourself,' Ron replied quietly, gesturing towards Ginny. I could now just make out the gold glimmering pin she wore upon her chest, reflecting the sunlight brightly. I turned towards Ron to say something but he looked me dead in the eye, and flew off to the three golden goal posts at the opposite end of the pitch. What was with him?

I, along with everyone else, watched as Ginny let the snitch go. I'll give it a head start. Wouldn't be fair other wise would it. I chuckled to myself. Ginny flew up alongside me, stopping curtly.

'Harry Hogsmeade weekends coming up soon, I was just wondering if you- I mean do you want to meet me there?' She asked whilst batting her eyelashes. I knew this was her way if asking me out, a while ago I would've said yes. But now the development of Hermione had made it a definite no.

'Ginny... you broke up with me remember.'

'Fine.' She said Harshly. Her broom clipped the end of mine, wobbling my balance slightly; I watched as she flew to the opposite side of the pitch.

Many a time, I tried to talk to Ron. He wasn't exactly ignoring me, just being very, very dismissive. I'll corner him on the way to the Gryffindor common room, I thought as my fingers were moments away from roughing the familiar cool golden metal of the snitch. My uniform clung to my flesh in a mixture of rain and sweat. 

Ginny's voice sounded from across the pitch, 'Well I think the rain is becoming a bit too much, everyone did well, but we still need to be more focused and trained but still, end it for today...' She turned towards the changing rooms, and the rest of the team followed hastily. Ron trailed slowly behind, but as soon as I called his name, he sped up, almost running. I changed quicker than I normally would, following Ron out of the door. 

For the whole journey to the common room I tried unrelentingly to talk to him or get even acknowledgement from him but with no luck. When we reached the Fat Lady, she didn't even ask for the password; She looked at our faces, smiled wildly and let us in. The perks you get from defeating Voldemort I guess.

'Ron!' I half-yelled  as i followed him through the hole; when he didn't answer, instinctively I reached out and grabbed his arm, stopping him progressing to the dormitory. As he turned, he yanked his arm away sharply.

'WHAT!' He bellowed, frightening some smaller first years who were playing a quite game of wizard chess. A stale silence occurred, where everyone looked back to what they were previously doing.

'For god's sake, talk to me.'

'WHAT! SO YOU CAN RUB IT IN?' Ron roared, once again frightening the first years out of the focus of their game.

'Rub what in Ron, you're making no sense.' 


'Keep your voice down. People are starting to stare.' I interjected as I could feel the many curious wandering eyes on the two of us. I stepped towards him, but he shoved me away hard.


I heard many gasps; some delayed as people processed what they heard. Honestly, I was still ticking over what he had said in my brain. I caught many different snippets of conversation.

'Isn't Ron dating her...'

'Not surprised...'

'I swear Harry was with that other Weasley...'

'I knew it, they look like a pair...'

'What a horrible friend Potter is...'

One comment cut above the rest, it came from behind me, and from a voice I recognized all too well - Ginny Weasley.

'Is it true Harry?' I turned around. Her eyes glistened with tears.

'Ginny, It's not- I mean- We-'  I stumbled over every word, but finally gave up, 'Yes... Yes it is.' 

She walked passed me, our shoulders crashing together. I stumbled slightly, but she powered through towards the girls dormitory. I then looked around the room every face, I came to know and love was looking at me with disgust: Neville, Dean, Seamus, Dennis Creevey and most importantly Ron. He too was tearing up.

'Ron... I don't know what to say...'

'Say nothing and leave, and never speak to me again, understand?' His voice quivered on the last word. I nodded and slowly tuned away. Just as I was about to leave I turned back and apologized; all I received was an icy stare. What was done, is done, and there is nothing I can do about the aftershock of it.

**Hermione's POV**

Where was Harry? I saw them leave practise ten , maybe even twenty minutes ago. Was something wrong, or was I overreacting? I sat twiddling my thumbs in my bedroom, until I heard the familiar creak of a door. I launched from the seated position and waited until I heard Harry's foot steps. I ran to the door, stopping abruptly  before I left the room. I composed myself and stepped outside.

'Hey Harry Where were you...' I trailed off, I was looking upon the face of a broken vulnerable boy. I had only seen him like this once before - Sirius's death. 

'Harry, what happened?' I asked, making sure it was soft and caring. I smiled at the end in an attempt to get a grin in reply.

'He knows Hermione, Ron knows.' 

With that my smile faded...

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