Chapter 20

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Song of the day :-

Curtain Call by ROAM

"So you are like a single parent now?" Jordan asked while frowning.

Lee laughs. The five of them are in Jordan's living room.

"Don't call me that." Oliver said.

They all symphatized with Oliver's condition. I mean man, who doesn't? Everything changed in just a blinking of an eye. Now he has to take care of Chelsea alone. Alone. How the fucc

Oliver can't even remember the last time he changed Chelsea's diaper. It was always Bea who did that kind of things. Bea was the one who bathed her, fed her, dressed her, put her to sleep and did lots of other things. All Oliver and Nat did was just 'having fun' with her for the past 2 years.

So technically, he doesn't even deserve to be called a father. Bruh.

"What you gonna do now?" Matt Nicholls asked, sounding concerned.

Everyone's head turn to Oliver. Oliver looks at Chelsea who's playing with Jordan's son, Elliott.

"I will take care of her, of course. Maybe it's time for me to learn and become the real 'daddy' for Chelsea. She deserves nothing but the best. I will do anything for her." Oliver said.

He's just trying to be positive. Yes, he can do it, he told himself repeatedly.

"We know you will do a great job. We believe in you." Matt K said.

"But the thing is we will start touring soon. How?" Lee asked.

Oh, shit.

Oliver literally forgot about it. See, this past weeks have been such a mess until he could forget the big thing like their US & Canada tour which is starting in around 2 weeks.

Well, 11 days to be exact.

"Right.....right.." Oliver is at lost of words.

"What about your mum? Maybe she can help taking care of Chelsea while we're on tour?" Matt Nicholls suggested.

They all agree with Matt's suggestion except Oliver.

"You know how my mum is. She would never do that and definitely won't be pleased at all to see Chelsea. I know her." Oliver replied.

He sighs again. He did not sign up for this life, he thought.

"Maybe she's not as bad as you think. You won't know unless you try." Lee said.

"Yeah, I think it's wise for you to talk to your mother first. She's the only option you have though." Jordan said, trying to convince Oliver.


The next day, Oliver drives to his mother's house with Chelsea. He decided to listen to his friends' suggestion. There's no harm in trying, right?

"Oh Oli! Your dad and I were just talking about you. Come in, son." Oliver's mom said as soon as she saw Oliver at the doorstep. She then pulls her son into a hug.

"Oh really. Miss me that much?" Oliver asked. His mother just laughs.

"I'm not alone today. Chelsea's here too." He said.

"Sure, come in." His mother said half-heartedly.

He knew his mother's mood will change once she heard Chelsea's name. He doesn't even know what his mother has against this innocent child.

"Dad's at work?" Oliver asked when he sees the house is empty.

"Where else." His mom answered as they settled down on a sofa.

Oliver makes Chelsea sits beside him but of course, she refuses. She's at that age where all she wants to do is walk and touch everything that she sees. Surrender, he just lets she does whatever she wants there.

"Actually I came here to ask you something." Oliver started the 'real' conversation with her mom.

He explained about the whole thing and asked if his mom could take care of Chelsea when he's not around for these 2 months.

Oliver shakes his left foot repeatedly as the sign of being nervous. His mother was silent the whole time when he was explaining and now he cannot read his mother's facial expression.

His mother is still processing what he just said.

"Okay, so you want me to take care of her?" She asked, raising her right eyebrow.

"Umm yeah." Oliver replied.

"You know the answer, I can't do that. I'm over this whole babysitting thing, Oliver." His mother gave him the answer without hesitating.

"Look mom, I understand. But I don't know what to do anymore. Can't you help me? Please." He pleaded, which is such a rare thing to do for Oliver.

At that time, Chelsea pats Oliver's knee to show him a bunny stuffed toy that who knows where she found. Oliver smiles while his mother just look at the girl plainly.

"No, it is all your fault. It is you who got yourself into this mess. I told you, Oliver. I told you so many times not to have any business with Bea and her daughter. But you didn't listen, as always. You never listened to me. I'm your mother, Oli. I knew what's best for you. But of course, you chose to take care of this kid, acting all nice in front of them." Mrs Sykes said. Oliver is now staring at the floor.

"I have never liked the idea. I've thought about everything. You have your own career and business. I warned you the moment you told me about this whole thing 2 years ago. I knew them. I knew Bea so well. She's just full of bullshits." She added.

This is it. Oliver cannot stand it anymore.

"No, you clearly don't know them. How could you say that to someone who's dead? I can't believe you. Bea was the nicest and kindest person I've ever met and it sucks that I just got to know her for a short period because you always badmouth her. Ever since I was a kid. I'm sorry that I never listened to you but just so you know, I don't regret my decision. It's okay mom. I can do it by myself. Let's go home, Chelsea." Oliver is clearly pissed off by his mother's words. His mother just let him be.

Oliver and Chelsea leave the house without looking back. Oliver is pissed. How could her mom get so low until she could talk about a dead person like that? Hell, he knew damn well this plan is not gonna work.

Oliver speeds up his car, thinking of a solution. He's just a complete mess right now. He needs music. Maybe he could feel at peace for a while. He connects his phone with the car radio and put the songs on shuffle.

Well great, Mess by Real Friends just came on shuffle and he had never relate to a song this much. It will get better soon, he thought.

"Daddy will find a way." Oliver said looking at Chelsea in the baby car seat.

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